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Blog Tour: Lifers by Jane Harvey-Berrick (spotlight, interview, giveaway)

written by Jane Harvey-Berrick
published by Harvey Berrick Publishing

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Smashwords, Book Depository, Goodreads

About the book: After eight years in prison, twenty-four year old Jordan Kane is the man everyone loves to hate.

Forced to return to his hometown while on parole, Jordan soon learns that this small town hasn’t changed since he was sent away. He is the local pariah, shunned by everyone, including his own parents. But their hatred of him doesn’t even come close to the loathing he feels every time he looks in the mirror.

Working odd jobs for the preacher lady, Jordan bides his time before he can leave this backwards town. But can time or distance erase the pain of living?

Torrey Delaney is new in town, and certainly doesn’t behave in a way the locals believe a preacher’s daughter should. Her reputation for casual hook-ups and meaningless sex quickly spreads. And that’s on top of her budding friendship with the hardened ex-con handyman—the good Reverend is less than thrilled with her estranged daughter’s path.

As friendship forms, can two damaged people who are afraid to love take their relationship to the next level? Can Torrey live with Jordan’s demons, and can Jordan break through Torrey’s walls? With the disapproval of a small town weighing heavily on them, they struggle to find their place in the world. Can they battle the odds, or will their world be viciously shattered?

Is love a life sentence?


Sheena Lumsden How did you feel when your first book went live on Amazon?
Nervous. Excited. Like standing on a cliff and wondering if you were going to fly or fall.

What inspires you to write and when did you start to write?
Everything inspires me: places, people, conversations, things I see, just my own imagination.

Do you put parts of your own personality into your characters?
Yes. But I’m not going to tell you which! LOL

How long does it take you to write a book and send it to publish?
The longest I’ve taken to write a book is two years—Dazzled, but I wasn’t writing all the time. Usually it’s about 4-6 weeks for a first draft. But that’s total absorption, 7 days a week, to the point where my husband complains he’s forgotten what I look like. Then, I guess 2-3 months for second draft, editing, cover (by the very wonderful Hang Le), and formatting.

Do you have a favorite book?
Persuasion, by Jane Austen. No competition.

What author inspires you?
See above. Her dialogue was razor sharp. I also loved the Fifty Shades stories, even though it seems popular to slate them now. Forget all the bdsm stuff – it’s about being redeemed by love. What’s not to like?

Apart from writing what other activities do you enjoy doing?
Walking my dog, swimming, bodyboarding (but only in good weather these days), ogling surfers changing in the car park.

Out of all your characters in your books, who would you like to go out with on a date (male only)?
OMG! Seb could take me surfing, Daniel could sing to me, Miles could take me to a movie premiere… and Hallen could take me right here and now : )  Oooh, mustn’t forget Jordan—I’d like to give him a big hug, but I expect Torrey would wrestle me off him!

About the author: I started writing contemporary romance two years ago. Before that, I didn’t think I could write a sex scene.

Turns out I can!

My lucky number is 13 because I was born on the 13th and live near a haunted castle by the ocean. My number one past-time is watching hot surfers get changed into (and out of) their wetsuits.

My husband doesn’t read my books. My mother does.

Writing is my love, my hobby, my total addiction. All my characters are important to me and whisper their stories, even when I’ve finished writing their books. That’s why you’ll often find bonus chapters/out-takes from various books, because those voices just won’t be quiet.

Readers can find bonus chapters for several of my books on my website

Find Ms. Harney-Berrick here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads

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  • by Candace
    Posted March 5, 2014 12:40 pm 0Likes

    LOL, oggling the surfers at the car park! Love it! I would want to give Jordan a hug too, but mostly because I FEEL for him. He’s been through hell and I’d want to give him a hug to show him I’m there for him. Thanks for hosting a tour stop Chrissy!

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