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Review: Border Field Blues by Corey Lynn Fayman

Border Field Blues - Front CoverBorder Field Blues
written by Corey Lynn Fayman
published by Granada Pacific Publishing


find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads


Why did I pick this book: The publicist requested that I review this book. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:

Hats off to Mr. Fayman for writing a novel with:

  • an unpredictable story line
  • interesting, atypical characters
  • a unique setting for the action to take place

I just love it when I stumble upon a mystery that doesn’t follow the formula. Border Field Blues is anything but boring and formulaic. It’s is filled with some of the most unusual twists and turns and I’ve ever read.

So why 4 stars instead of 5? For the first 50% of the book, I couldn’t put it down. I walked over to turn on the light still reading because I literally couldn’t put it down. But at around 70%, the action began to slow. By the end, I’d tired of the story line and was happy to finally have resolution; a disappointing end to an otherwise fascinating novel.


Would I recommend it: Yes.

Will I read it again: No.


About the book – from Goodreads: When nesting grounds at the Border Field Park bird preserve are torn to shambles by eco-vandals, Rolly Waters is hired to follow the tracks left behind. Feeling less than optimistic about finding the perpetrators, he begins his due diligence, crossing paths with a local border vigilante, a tormented vaquero, and an aging rock groupie. A menacing house call from a scalpel-wielding orderly in pursuit of a prostitute named after an 80’s pop hit confounds Rolly’s case even further. After police detective Bonnie Hammond hands him a coroner’s report, he knows it’s turned deadly. Border Field Blues is the second volume in the Rolly Waters mystery series, following the critically-acclaimed Black’s Beach Shuffle. Amid family issues, band gigs, and personal temptation, the guitar-slinging detective rocks on, putting his sleuthing skills and his life to the test.




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  • by Cait
    Posted February 5, 2014 3:30 am 0Likes

    It’s annoying when the action dips off like that, eh? A book I was reading the other day did that…it was disappointing! I was IN LOVE at the beginning and bored stiff at the end. Grrrr….

    • by Belinda
      Posted February 7, 2014 8:03 am 0Likes

      It happens to me a lot.

  • by Corey Lynn Fayman
    Posted February 6, 2014 2:32 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for the nice review, Belinda. Always great to hear that a reader wasn’t able to put my book down. As far as the end, maybe I made the first two-thirds too exciting!

    • by Belinda
      Posted February 7, 2014 8:02 am 0Likes

      Funny!! Maybe you should be a comedy writer too. I did enjoy your book and should confess to having the attention span of a 2 year-old.

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