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Blog Tour: He Did You a Favor by Debra Rogers (review)
He Did You a Favor
written by Debra Rogers
published by Did You a Favor, Inc.
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by BookSparksPR. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)
Did I enjoy this book: It is difficult to say whether I enjoyed this book or not, because how do you “enjoy” a self-help, get over your breakup book?
I admit, I am not the target audience for this book. And I skimmed parts of it. However, I wish I had this book when I was younger and going through relationships and breakups. It would have been a wonderful tool and a great help to get through those moments of thinking I wasn’t good enough or that there was something wrong with me. Ms. Rogers workbook exercises, quizzes, and tips are fantastic. We all need to hear that we are good enough, that we need to love ourselves, that we don’t need that guy that just broke our hearts. The anecdotes were great as well. It is always a comfort to know that someone else has gone through the same thing as you.
Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book to any woman who has recently ended a relationship and to any young woman who is in a non-serious relationship or just starting to look for “the one.”
Will I read it again: I pray that I will never have the need to read this book again.
About the book: He Did You a Favor is an empowering, humorous, hands-on guide so you can continue your journey out of grief and into greatness. In this book, Debra’s your new best breakup friend who’ll give you straight talk, honest answers and helpful advice. Inside you’ll find fab tools and techniques to help you break away from Mr. “So Very Wrong” and break through to the life you desire.
About the author: This Queen of Breakovers is your best girl expert in the school of love. With years of dating and breakup experience, including one crushing breakup at eight months pregnant (which evolved into a supportive divorce and loving friendship) – Debra’s earned her relationship MBA. Before He Did You a Favor, Debra worked as a script analyst and Development Associate for both film and television. She also built a successful voiceover career, voicing strong, powerful women in film and television. Through her experience, she discovered her own inner warrior and found that the strong heroines she’d been voicing were also within her. Debra currently lives in the Los Angeles area with her amazing daughter and has finally found true love. She is currently writing the followup books in her Did You a Favor series.
Find Ms. Rogers here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Pinterest, Huffington Post