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Spotlight: Blue Into The Rip by Kev Heritage

image001Blue Into The Rip
written by Kev Heritage
published by Massive Banger

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Goodreads

About the book: A Young Adult, Science Fiction, Climate Change, Time-Travel Adventure

Blue didn’t want to be in the future
…they didn’t want him there either

A rip in the fabric of time, a far-flung globally warmed future, a flooded Earth and the only remainder of civilisation – a militaristic organisation living underneath ‘Desert Amazon’…

Getting back home to rescue his little sister Annie was the only thing that mattered to messed up, mixed race teenager, Blue (named after his stupid, googly blue eyes) – and that was the problem – home was over four hundred years in the past.

Ripped forwards in time from his odd hippy parents, their peculiar house and his lonely school life, Blue had only one thing on his mind: return. But how does a lowly cadet in a militaristic Academy living in a post-apocalyptic future achieve such a goal, especially with the distractions of girls, pilot training, spacewalks and his almost constant unpopularity?

The more Blue found out about this flooded, gung-ho annoying future, about himself – who and what he was (was he even human?) – and the equally disturbing and shocking truth about his ‘parents’ – the more he realised getting home was the only solution. Wasn’t it?

If Blue knew one thing, it was that he would at least try.

JPG_KEV_LARGEAbout the author: I started writing at about age three, mainly in crayon. I moved on to marker pens and spray cans in my teen years before deciding on some kind of plastic tapping device.

I was born in the previous century in one of the more exciting ‘out-there’ decades. I am a two metre tall biped from the genus Homo Sapiens and, like many of my species, I am simultaneously amazed and confused by what I like to call ‘This Life Thing’.

Some of ‘This Life Thing’ has involved me working as a driver’s mate, factory gateman, barman, labourer, telesales operative, sales assistant, warehouseman, Student Union President, University IT helpdesk guy, British Rail signal software designer, Premiership Football website designer, gigging musician, graphic designer, stand-up comedian, sound engineer, Improv artist, magazine editor and Wide Web journo – although I don’t like to talk about it. Mostly.

I have (at some time or other) lived on most of the Earth’s major continents and when not travelling to varied and interesting worlds all over the cosmos, I find myself frequently residing in the county of East Sussex in the seaside town of Brighton.

Find Mr. Heritage here: web, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads



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