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Blog Tour: Echoes in the Glass by Cherie Lasota (spotlight, guest post, giveaway)
Echoes in the Glass
written by Cherie Lasota
published by Ever-Sea Press
find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Goodreads
About the book: Finnian bears the scar of an unspeakable crime. Tiria hides the pain of a terrible betrayal. When all their secrets are laid bare, will the truth rip them apart or forever silence the echoes of the past?
Seventeen-year-old Finnian Bell has been on the run for years, but he finally has a chance to rebuild his life while restoring an abandoned lighthouse on the Oregon Coast. Tiria Lucas, the lightkeeper’s daughter, is still reeling from the pain of an event that has shattered her innocence. Fear and bitterness have turned her heart from Finnian, but he is determined not to let her go.
The lighthouse harbors dark secrets of its own… When Finnian and Tiria uncover the story of two teens hidden in the tower back in 1935, they discover a shocking connection that bridges time and death.
Crossing genres into worlds you’ve never seen… Echoes in the Glass is half-contemporary, half-historical with enough mystery, romance and lighthouse lore to ignite your imagination.
Top Ten with Carina Jane
Favorite movie/actor/actress? Oh, I suppose it’d be Bette Davis. It’s all in the eyes, see? Ha ha!
Favorite song/singer? You ever hear Ethel Waters singing “Stormy Weather”? Ooh-ee! Always reminds me of the storms we get out here on the coast. A little melancholy, but that’s all right.
Favorite place you would love to visit? Are you kidding? Anywhere! And I mean it. I been stuck in this tiny little town all my life. I’ve been out to the next town over like three or four times. Damn shame, really.
One item you cannot live without? Well, since not a day goes by when I’m not shoveling manure out in the barn, I’d probably go ahead and say my trusty shovel. That’s kinda sad, isn’t it?
Who would you like to meet? (dead or alive) I wish I’d met Morgan’s mother Sarah Graves. He’s told me so much about her. And while I’ve seen her ghost from time to time, I would have preferred the real woman for obvious reasons.
Favorite hobby? I rather like taking my horse Keebee out for a ride in the fields. She’s got a fair step and solid gallop.
Guilty pleasure? Honestly? Doing absolutely nothing. Just laying around, staring at the ocean or something. That’d be my dream day. Too bad it’s never once happened.
Favorite author and/book? Oh, pish. I have no idea. Who has time to read nowadays? Tell you what: you muck out the stalls today and I’ll sit around and read awhile. That work?
Do you collect anything? My little sister does. Little trinkets and such. Me? Not so much.
Favorite color? Oh, I suppose it’d be yellow. One of the only compliments my pa ever gave me was when ma made me a bright yellow dress for church one year. He said I looked rather pretty in it. Never forgot it, but he’s never said anything like that since.
About the author: Cheri Lasota has written poetry and fiction for sixteen years, edited fiction for nine years and recently jumped headlong into design work for enhanced e-books. She has a great love for all things techy, so she finds herself pushing the boundaries of e-book marketing and design at every turn. Her passion for fiction and helping other novelists achieve their goals is without limits.
Her bestselling debut novel, Artemis Rising, is a 2013 Cygnus Awards First Place Winner and a 2012 finalist in the Next Generation Indie Books Awards. Cheri just released her how-to e-book Design and Upload Your ePub and is currently finishing up her second YA novel, Echoes in the Glass, set on the Oregon Coast.
Find Ms. Lasota here: CheriLasota.com, Goodreads, Twitter, Facebook, Google+, LinkedIn