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Review: The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter (Vol. I – IV) by Jennifer Malone Wright

The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter (Vol. I – IV)
written by Jennifer Malone Wright
published by Jennifer Malone Wright

Why did I pick this book: I was asked by the author to review these books. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
I did!  I was looking for a low-intensity, fun little read, and I found it!  Wright sent me the whole series at once, but I love the idea of publishing a book bit by bit – it’s a nice little reminder of the days when authors published things piecemeal in magazines.  There were a few little editing issues, but nothing so major as to distract.

Chloe’s great – I’d have written her a few years older, but she’s a weird, funny little thing, and it works.  She’s got a great sense of humor about her own hunter-vampire-demigod status, and I love her snark. The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter has all the ingredients for a delicious little end-of-the-evening reading snack: the ever present love triangle, a meanie-pants father, some kick-ass fight scenes, and, of course, teen angst.  I finished the whole thing in an evening.


Would I recommend it: For Sure!  Since I’m, um, ::ahem:: 29  ::ahem:: and the heroine of the series is only 14, it’s one of those fun little books I’d probably hide under my bed if other grown-ups came to visit, but hey.  I liked it, and if you’re into the whole vampire trend, I bet you’ll like it too.

Will I read it again: I’m definitely going to finish the series!


About the books – from Goodreads:


vamp daughter 1The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter #1 – Fourteen-year-old Chloe witnesses her mother’s murder at the hands of a vampire. Before the vampire can kidnap her, there is an unexpected rescue by a group of vampire hunters. Overwhelmed by the feeling of safety, Chloe passes out and they whisk her away to their small community.

When Chloe wakes, she comes face to face with the only other living relative, besides her mother, whom she has ever met: her grandfather. Chloe’s mother kept her hidden from the family; now, Chloe tries to unveil the family secrets.

Through her grandfather, she learns her mother was a vampire hunter. In fact, her entire family is descended from the powerful bloodlines of vampire hunters. Chloe agrees to join the family she has never known for one reason only: Chloe vows to kill the vampire responsible for her mother’s murder.

With vengeance in her soul, Chloe is even more determined to follow through on her vow when she discovers the true identity of her enemy and how he is connected to her.

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Goodreads

vamp daughter 2The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter #2 – In the second installment of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter, Chloe Kallistrate’s life has been turned upside down. After witnessing the vampire attack that left her mother dead, she’s adopted by her grandfather into a community of vampire hunters. Although she is directly descended from ancient, powerful vampire hunters, the rigorous training schedule begins to break her down. All she wants, all she has ever wanted, is to be a normal teen.

Chloe finds renewed motivation from an unexpected encounter with a fledgling vampire, the first she has seen since her mother’s death. Staring into the glowing red eyes of the vampire, Chloe freezes, forgetting all her training. After the vampire is vanquished by her friend and mentor, Drew, Chloe resolves to train harder, to be the best, and to kill the vampire who had her mother killed. Finally mourning her mother, Chloe allows her revenge to drive her, accepting that her life will never be normal.

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Goodreads

vamp daughter 3The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter #3 – In the third installment of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter, Chloe Kallistrate’s first Christmas without her mother is difficult. As part of the grieving process she visits her mother’s grave for the first time and there, she is visited by Sostrate, the immortal demi-god from whom she is descended.

As she comes of age, Chloe is changing and developing the gifts unique to her heritage. She discovers a new power she must learn to use and control, as if being a teenager wasn’t difficult enough. During this emotionally chaotic time in her life, the community is attacked, her grandfather injured and hunters are killed. After almost losing her only remaining family, Chloe questions whether her continued presence in the community will sacrifice everyone she has come to care about.

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Goodreads

vamp daughter 4The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter #4 – In the fourth installment of The Vampire Hunter’s Daughter, Chloe and the other vampire hunters are suffering the aftermath of the vampire attack on their community. Many hunters were injured, and loved ones were murdered. More than that, there is a loss of security and peace since the hunters’ safe haven was breached and invaded. Chloe and Drew struggle just to get along and understand each other without Luke there to guide them.

During this period of uncertainty, Chloe and Drew both try to live a normal life as teenagers by going to the New Year’s bash, she with Gavin and Drew with Christina, Chloe’s recent rival. Chloe is, once again, reminded that nothing is ‘normal’ in her life any more, when she begin to show signs she’s developing supernatural gifts from her father’s bloodline, too.

The bash does little to lift her feelings of guilt and responsibility for the attack on the community, because she knows it’s her presence there that caused the vampires to attack the hunters. This attack nearly took the life of her only remaining family member from her mother’s side. She doesn’t want to put anyone else she loves at risk.

Before she has time to put any plans into action, a surprise phone call from someone unexpected sets the wheels in motion. Chloe now knows what she must do…

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Goodreads




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