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Review: Draculaville by Lara Nance

written by Lara Nance
published by Lara Nance

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Book Depository, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I was asked by the author to review this book. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
I’ll be honest.  I agreed to review this book because I thought the title was silly and because I was fairly certain it was going to be awful.  I expected sentence fragments, grammatical errors, and the rambling storylines that often accompany self-published books.

I. Was. Wrong.

I loved it.  I finished it in a night.  It was cute, and romantic, and if I were a teenage girl I’d consider hanging a poster.  Nance doesn’t take the whole “vampire” thing too seriously, and I think that’s what makes this book work.  Instead of groaning when she dresses her vampires in black, sexy outfits, I found myself giggling.  When the leading man-vampire (manpire?) likes to cook and has a soft spot for orphans and preppy clothes, the dark, sexy vampire underworld seems just a bit silly, and I liked that.  The story’s common enough (I mean, girl-who-falls-for-vampire isn’t exactly a novel idea), but Nance made it feel new, and in a world of TwilightTrueBloodVampireDiaries, that’s saying something.


Would I recommend it: Sure!  Get yourself a glass of wine, tune your Pandora station to “Seven Devils Radio,”  and read away.

Will I read it again: I’m excited to read the rest of the series.


About the book:
When Advertising Executive Talia Quinton takes on the unwelcome job of promoting the country of Romania, she has no idea it will involve rescuing a real vampire and being thrust into a conflict among warring vampire factions in New York.

She and her rescued vampire, Drake, must fight for their lives to protect their growing love for each other and escape capture in time to present Talia’s campaign to the Romanians.
For Talia’s groomed Drake to become Dracula, the spokesperson for a multi-billion dollar project to build an adult fantasy theme park/resort in Transylvania called….DraculaVille.





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