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Blog Tour: This Much Is True by Katherine Owen (spotlight, guest post, giveaway)


this much is true coverThis Much Is True
written by Katherine Owen
published by The Writing Works Group

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads

About the book: This Much Is True

Fate brings them together
Fame & lies keep them apart
One truth remains…

She’s become the Paly High girl with the most tragic story…

At 17, Tally Landon just wants to graduate and leave for New York to pursue ballet. Her best friend Marla convinces her to attend one last party—a college party—where she can be among strangers and evade the whisperings about the heartbreaking loss of her twin that follows her everywhere she goes. She meets Lincoln Presley, Stanford’s famous baseball wonder and has a little fun at his expense—when she lies about her age and who she really is—intent on being someone else for the night and escaping her tragic story.

His only focus is baseball, but he can’t forget the girl he saved on Valentine’s Day…

At 22, Lincoln Presley’s star is on the rise—about to finish at Stanford and expected to be taken early in Major League Baseball’s upcoming draft—his cousin’s party serves as a welcome distraction. But then, he sees the girl from Valentine’s Day that he saved from that horrific car accident and can’t quite hide his disappointment when she appears to look right through him and not remember him at all. He vows to learn her name at least before he leaves. What’s the harm in getting to know this girl? What’s the worst that can happen?

Fate soon tests these star-crossed lovers in all kinds of ways…

And yet, despite the lies being told to protect the other, and the trappings of fame that continually separate them, and in lieu of the deception by those they’ve come to trust the most; one truth remains.

This much is true. 

Caution: This title contains some strong language, some violence, and some sexual situations and is intended for readers 18+ in age.


Ms. Owen’s Favorite Quotes

Linc’s POV – Chapter 31- I think this quote shows Linc’s growing vulnerability and what he has come to realize about himself and Tally.

“The ending is coming. I can feel it. I don’t know if I can take it this time. But then again, I say that every time and yet, every time I take it. And, I come back to her again for more. I will take whatever time I can get with her. I will do that for a lifetime. I will. I know that much about myself. She is my water. I can never get enough of her, and it appears that I will die trying to love her, to keep her, to hold her with me, even though our time together seems to evaporate so swiftly. It slips through our fingers so damn fast that we don’t even have time to savor it when we’re together.”

A reveal of Tally deep in the book at probably one of her darkest moments with Linc (from his POV). Chapter 37

“What?” she mocks. “Held my hand? Told me everything was going to be okay? Thrown over your career to help a girl out? Come on, Linc. This is the real world. Bad things happen. We do bad things. Some of us lie so much better than others.” She laughs low. “Trust me. I’m telling you…the truth.”

Tally’s POV Chapter 39. This is revelation of Tally for the readers that shows how deeply she feels the pain of all of the loss in her life and what happened early on in the story.

I stare at him for a long while. My head starts to pound even more. Finally, I say, “It’s sad, isn’t it?”

“What’s sad?”

“To lose everything, everyone. To lose the people you care about the most. I mean death is so permanent, and that’s one way to lose them. But this?” My voice wavers. “When they just leave you and cut you out of their lives so completely…it ends up being almost the same thing, doesn’t it?”

Linc’s POV – Chapter 40 – This is one of my favorite quotes in Linc’s POV because it shows how his character is changing and meeting up with reality in a new and different way. Life isn’t easy and although Lincoln Presley has always known this; he’s learning just how difficult it can get. It also shows that Lincoln Presley isn’t perfect and he’s being unbelievably self-centered. (Readers are beginning to find this out, at this juncture, because they know what’s been happening but Linc doesn’t know yet.)

Then I attempt to stop my body’s uncontrollable shaking and shut my mind off all together; because the truth is I’m falling apart in a way I thought would never happen to me.

Two hours go by.

Finally, I formulate and say a little prayer to God, and since we haven’t officially spoken since my mom and Elliott died that takes up quite a bit of my time.

The rest of it I spend on trying to determine what I think love really is and what I actually feel for Tally Landon at this point. Upon deep reflection, I realize that I must be at the edge of life’s abyss. This is me. All there is left of me; and yet, I’m looking over and contemplating its meaning on whether to jump or stay. I’m not sure this feeling for Tally Landon is made up of love any more than it is of hate. This must be a kind of purgatory—the in-between place—because these pervasive feelings of rage and passion for Tally are equalized and actually co-mingle together—like fire and water—each ready to extinguish the other. I’ve come to accept the truth. There may be nothing left for us. It could go either way.


katherine owenAbout the author: Dark. Edgy. Contemporary. Romantic. Were we describing me? Or my fiction? Sorry.

I drink too much…coffee, not enough water. I swear too much for God and my mother, and I slip these into my fiction. Sorry.

I’m impatient, a perfectionist, a wordsmith, a dreamer, which ends up being good and bad. I’m a workaholic; ask my “fam-dam-ily”.

I’ve written four novels in as many years: “When I See You, “Not To Us”, Seeing Julia” as well as my latest release “This Much Is True” (which hit #1 on Amazon best seller lists for Sports Romance, Holiday Romance within a week of its release). Competitive; much, KO? Oh yes.

If you love angsty, unpredictable love stories, I’m yours. ♥

Find Ms. Owen here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads

a Rafflecopter giveaway

To see other stops on the tour for reviews, guest posts, and excerpts click here or the tour banner at the top of this post.



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  • by Jeanne
    Posted November 19, 2013 4:27 am 0Likes

    I love angsty, unpredictable love stories. This one sounds great and I would love to read it. Thanks for the chance to win.

  • by Nurmawati Djuhawan
    Posted November 19, 2013 4:33 am 0Likes

    this much of time has a really beautiful cover..i love it..i wanna read it..
    thx u for the chance…

  • by stacey dempsey
    Posted November 19, 2013 4:47 am 0Likes

    I appreciate the caution at the bottom as I might have thought this would good for my teenage daughter but it looks like it is more for me lol thanks

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted November 19, 2013 9:18 am 0Likes

      I appreciate it when there is a warning with the blurb as well. I would have thought the same thing. I haven’t read this yet, but it does sound good! Thanks for visiting and entering the giveaway. Good luck!

  • by shinobifiles
    Posted November 19, 2013 8:23 am 0Likes

    I am really curious to read this book, I tend to love a lot books with angsty characters/stories =]

    Ana DEath Duarte – The Shinobi Files @ MagicaMagi :3

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted November 19, 2013 9:19 am 0Likes

      I like angsty characters on occasion, not all the time. This sounds like a good read. Thanks for stopping by. Good luck!

  • by Katherine Owen - Novelist
    Posted November 19, 2013 11:23 am 0Likes

    Thanks for featuring “This Much Is True” on your blog.


    Katherine Owen
    Author of This Much Is True

  • by hotcha1
    Posted November 19, 2013 11:59 am 0Likes


  • by Cassie
    Posted November 19, 2013 12:34 pm 0Likes

    I LOVED this book 🙂

  • by dawn ruchel
    Posted November 19, 2013 7:28 pm 0Likes

    Thank you for sharing, this looks like a great read.

  • by Meghan Stith
    Posted November 19, 2013 10:24 pm 0Likes

    Oo.. a baseball player! I love when stories feature someone in sport!

  • by falicesidoma
    Posted November 20, 2013 12:57 am 0Likes

    I to drink to much coffee too! patient is not something I have. I am trying to learn this stupid computer. My brother calls it the voodoo machine

  • by Mary Preston
    Posted November 20, 2013 7:58 pm 0Likes

    I love the idea of star-crossed lovers.

  • by Sarah Miles
    Posted November 21, 2013 1:20 am 0Likes

    That sounds so sad 🙁 Losing a twin. Bet it feels like an appendage has been cut off. Would love to read Tally’s story 🙂

  • by Valerie R
    Posted November 26, 2013 12:34 pm 0Likes

    Thanks for being so careful to alert to the angst so that my teen doesn’t read .. love authors who appreciate the fine line. I look forward in discovering the story line and viewing your talent.

  • by Tammy Dalley
    Posted November 26, 2013 3:17 pm 0Likes

    Thank you for the great giveaway!

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