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Blog Tour: Sia by Josh Grayson (review, giveaway)

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written by Josh Grayson
published by Josh Grayson

find it here: (affiliate links) Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooksGoodreads

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by YA Bound. I was also asked by the author to review this book before the blog tour opened up. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
I really enjoyed this book. It took about a day to read because I read every free chance I had. I didn’t want to put it down. I put off other stuff just so I could read this book. I even considered (but talked myself out of) ignoring party guests (family) until I finished the book. (I reconsidered and finished it after the party. I believe it was the first thing I did when everyone left.)

Anyway, Sia just grabbed me. I got the message. I felt for Sia. I felt for her friends. I felt for those who were not her friends. I wanted to know who she was and who she would end up being. Carol, Stacy, and Kyle were some of my favorites. Kyle was a good guy. He wasn’t afraid to stand up for his fellow classmates, for himself, for others. He wasn’t afraid to let go if the need arose. Stacy was conflicted. I think she knew what she was doing was wrong but I don’t think she wanted to be on the receiving end of it. She tried for the most part. I loved her in the end. Carol was wise and showed Sia that not everyone ends up in the situations/circumstances that they do because of their own fault. Sometimes events happen that set off a chain of events.

I loved every minute of this book. Sia could have been a cliche. It could have been very predictable in a number of ways. However, this was a fresh take on this particular theme. I was proud of Sia, her family, her friends (old and new). All of the characters fit their descriptions and their true selves.

Sia has a great message. This is a wonderful YA book. It’s clean, romantic, smart, gripping, emotional. Sia left me with that happy, giddy grin that I so enjoy.


Would I recommend it: Absolutely.

Will I read it again: I may.


About the book: When seventeen-year-old Sia wakes up on a park bench, she has no idea who or where she is. Yet after a week of being homeless, she’s reunited with her family. At school, she’s powerful and popular. At home, she’s wealthy beyond her dreams. But she quickly realizes her perfect life is a lie. Her family is falling apart and her friends are snobby, cruel and plastic. Worse yet, she discovers she was the cruelest one. Mortified by her past, she embarks on a journey of redemption and falls for Kyle, the “geek” she once tormented. Yet all the time she wonders if, when her memories return, she’ll become the bully she was before…and if she’ll lose Kyle.


Josh Author PicAbout the author: Josh Grayson was born in Mexico, raised in Massachusetts, and now lives in Martinsville, Virginia. It was his move to the South that stirred his imagination and gave him the courage to start writing. During his free time, Josh enjoys reading, jogging, swimming, and watching YouTube videos.

Josh currently works as a medical driver, shuttling people all over Virginia and North Carolina. He has also worked as a machinist, film sales rep, administrative assistant, and telemarketer (he apologizes if he called you).

Sia is his debut YA novel.

Find Mr. Grayson here: web, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Instagram

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  • by Meghan Stith
    Posted November 27, 2013 9:26 pm 0Likes

    Have you seen the tv show “Samantha Who?” It was this plot line almost exactly. She gets hit by a car and has amnesia and then learns that she actually was very wealthy and very mean. She spends the rest of her days trying to make amends for who she once was.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted November 27, 2013 10:30 pm 0Likes

      I have not seen “Samantha Who?” I’m glad I didn’t otherwise I may not have enjoyed this book as much as I did. 😉

      Good luck in the giveaway! I hope you enjoy the book as much as I did. =D

  • by carolsavoy1963
    Posted November 27, 2013 10:37 pm 0Likes

    Now this sounds very interesting. A teen who has a chance to see her life through different eyes. How many would of us, in this situation, would say…wow is this really the way I live my life?? I honestly wouldn’t want to be on the outside looking in on my life….LOL I think I’d be running away as fast as I could!

    • by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
      Posted November 27, 2013 10:39 pm 0Likes

      Especially at 17 or 18. Can you imagine? It’s hard to even think back to that time, let along see it and relive it. 😉

      Thanks for stopping by!

  • by hotcha1
    Posted November 28, 2013 4:41 pm 0Likes


  • by Tori Whitaker
    Posted November 30, 2013 9:25 pm 0Likes

    sounds like a good read

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