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Review: Bridge to Terabithia by Katherine Paterson
Bridge to Terabithia
written by Katherine Paterson
published by Harper Collins
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book: This is Melissa’s all-time favorite book.
Did I enjoy this book: This was a decent read, a quick read, a sad read. Not at all what I was expecting.
Going in to this book, I was expecting more of a fantasy angle. More magical kingdom in the woods. At one point, I had to go back and reread part of it because I thought I was missing something. What I got out of this book was something very reminiscent of the movie My Girl, which obviously came after Bridge to Terabithia. However, the story was one of strength and where we find it. It is a coming of age story but not really about lost innocence. I think Jess’s reactions at the end were pretty spot on for an 11 year old boy.
Speaking of the end, I thought it was sweet. I liked the changed dynamics. I enjoyed the very end.
As for the characters, all were well-written. Jess wants to be good at something besides art. He is a very talented artist but that isn’t something that is smiled upon by his family. I think he just really wants to be accepted by his father. Leslie doesn’t quite fit in but she is very intelligent. She likes to push the boundaries a bit. I really liked Jess’s father but not until Christmas and the ending. The sisters were sisters. Each played their role.
Would I recommend it: Sure.
Will I read it again: I will not unless my kids read it in the future and I want to refresh my memory of it.
About the book – from Goodreads: Jess Aarons’ greatest ambition is to be the fastest runner in the fifth grade. He’s been practicing all summer and can’t wait to see his classmates’ faces when he beats them all. But on the first day of school, a new kid, a new girl, boldly crosses over to the boys’ side of the playground and outruns everyone.
That’s not a very promising beginning for a friendship, but Jess and Leslie Burke become inseparable. It doesn’t matter to Jess that Leslie dresses funny, or that her family has a lot of money—but no TV. Leslie has imagination. Together, she and Jess create Terabithia, a magical kingdom in the woods where the two of them reign as king and queen, and their imaginations set the only limits. Then one morning a terrible tragedy occurs. Only when Jess is able to come to grips with this tragedy does he finally understand the strength and courage Leslie has given him.
by Christie @ Read by the Undead
I had to read this for class once. I thought it was an okay read. Glad you liked it better than I did
Christie @ Read by the Undead
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
It was okay. I wasn’t blown away by it, that’s for sure.