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Release Event: Off Chance by Sawyer Bennett (spotlight, excerpt, giveaway)
Off Chance (Off #5)
written by Sawyer Bennett
published by Big Dog Books, LLC
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads
About the book:
He is seeking absolution.
Flynn Caldwell has a hero complex and it’s one of the reasons he joined the New York City Fire Department. He has spent his entire professional career trying to atone for that one person he failed to save. Because, if he can do that, then perhaps he can be worthy of love again.
She is seeking escape.
Rowan Page’s life is nothing short of a disaster. Always immersed in trouble, she has only herself to depend on. She’s determined to pull herself out of this mess and make something of her life, despite the hard years she has lived on the streets of New York.
Together, they have the chance to become complete.
Flynn and Rowan’s worlds exist miles apart, but when a chance meeting brings them together, neither of them can deny the instant pull that connects them to each other. What starts as a tiny spark eventually flares into a fire so hot, it refuses to be extinguished.
Both are willing to jump feet first into the flames to see where it takes them, despite the risk of being burned.
After silently watching for a few minutes, I ask, “Okay, here’s a question for you… what’s that yellow line on the field?”
Fil doesn’t answer me so I poke her in the ribs. “Teach me, Yoda.”
She looks at me with frustration and then looks back at the TV. “That splits the field in half.”
“Liar,” I hear from the doorway and I turn to see Flynn there with a plate of pie in his hand.
Fil turns around and looks guilty for just a second, then her face splits into a grin. “Busted.”
“Wait… that line doesn’t split the field in half?” I ask, because that made damn good sense to me.
Chuckling, Flynn walks in and comes over to the couch. “Scoot down,” he says.
I try to move to the left, but Fil is ignoring me in favor of the football game. I jab her in the ribs again, she moves over a quarter of an inch, and I move along with her. It gives enough room for Flynn to jam his body in between the end of the couch and me, and the heat of his leg against mine sends my pulse dancing.
He takes the last bite of pie and sets the plate down on the coffee table. After he swallows, he says, “Okay… the yellow line represents the first down marker. You do understand the concept of downs, right?”
“Sort of,” I tell him. “Not really. And what’s the blue line?”
“That’s the line of scrimmage,” Flynn says and, before he can explain further, Fil lets out a curse. “I can’t believe he got sacked. The offensive line sucks.”
“What’s a sack?” I ask.
Flynn chuckles. “Slow down there, Speedy. One question at a time.”
He takes my hand and turns it palm up. “Here’s the easiest way to understand it. See these two lines running parallel on your palm?”
I glance down and his fingertip traces two of my lifelines, which do indeed run exactly parallel across my hand. The feel of his skin against mine causes me to shiver slightly and I’m mesmerized by the movement.
“Yeah,” I say and it feels like it comes out in a croak.
“So, this line right here is the line of scrimmage. It’s where the offensive line starts and the quarterback will be roughly in the middle of the line.” Flynn traces the line of scrimmage on my palm and then taps the area where the quarterback would stand.
“And this here,” he says, as he runs his finger across the other line. “This is the first down line. This is the distance, which is ten yards, that the offensive line has to get the ball to be able to advance further. They have four tries to get there… and those are called downs.”
I want to know more, not because I give a shit about football but because I want Flynn to keep holding my hand and tracking patterns on my skin. Which is decidedly not within the purview of a regular friendship.
“And a sack?” I remind him.
He pushes his index finger into my palm and holds it there. “When the quarterback starts the play at the line of scrimmage, he will most times step backward to get some distance from the defensive players that are coming toward him. If at any time they get him behind this line,” and here he pauses to drag his finger across my palm, “that is called a sack. Understand?”
“Yes,” I say but really, no. I don’t remember a damn thing he just told me and could care less. I am, though, trying to think of other questions to ask so he can teach me more palm football.
- Most importantly, this was supposed to be the last book in the Off Series but I’ve had such an outpouring of requests to keep writing… I’m happy to report that this is NOT the last book. There will be others, but after I get a few other projects complete!
- Not to give away a spoiler, but there is a huge scene in the book involving Emily and Nix from Off Limits and it’s based almost exactly off a very important moment in my personal life.
- Fire fighters are hot! It’s a fact!
- There is a really cute, fuzzy and rambunctious dog in this book named, Capone! He’s based off of my own puppy goodness… my Bernese Mountain Dog, Atticus.
- I sobbed like a baby when I finished writing the prologue. Warning: It might make you cry, too.
- You will get really good updates in this book on all of the past Off characters… Ryan, Danny, Emily, Nix, Linc, Ever, Renner and Cillian!
About the author: USA Today Best-Selling author, Sawyer Bennett, is a snarky southern woman and reformed trial lawyer who decided to finally start putting on paper all of the stories that were floating in her head. She is married to a mobster (well, a market researcher) and they have two big, furry dogs who hog the bed. Sawyer would like to report she doesn’t have many weaknesses but can be bribed with a nominal amount of milk chocolate.
by Jeanne
Love this cover. I am so glad that this is not the last of the series. Please continue doing what you do. You have a God given talent that should continue to give us all great pleasure. Thanks for the giveaway!!!
by steelstammy
Oh Sawyer, I’m with you! I love me some milk chocolate!!!
by hotcha1
thank you for the chance, I’ve not read you before.
by falicesidoma
I luv to find new writers to to read their books. I do like series so I know i will like these because of the excerpts.
by Michelle
I love reading stuff from people who had a ‘former life’ and finally followed their dreams and started writing more intentionally. Maybe it’ll inspire me to finally do so myself!?!?
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
I feel the same way!
by Michelle Bledsoe
Hi Sawyer. I am so glad I stopped by the blog. I am new to your books and look forward to reading them. Good luck.
by Meghan Stith
Is there anyone in real life that inspired any of your characters?
by Carolyn
♥ love the cover ♥ Thanks for the giveaway
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
It is nice, isn’t it?