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Review: Passion and Pain by Kathy Petrakis

Passion and Pain final coverPassion and Pain (Dancers and Divas #1)
written by Kathy Petrakis
published by Antartis Publishers

find it here: Barnes & NobleAmazonSmashwordsGoodreads

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by the author, Kathy Petrakis, in June 2013. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
This book was alright. It didn’t blow me away but it kept me reading to see how it would end.

I was expecting Elena to be all about dance. I didn’t think she was going to be an all-around artist—dance, singing, acting. I would have preferred it if she were just focused on dance. I think the story would have been much better that way. I like to read books that center on the performing arts. It’s a world that is fascinating and interesting. I just wish that Elena hadn’t been in all of the arts. Dance is her thing and that’s what I wanted to read about when I picked up Passion and Pain. I know that a lot of dancers are also singers and actors. It was a bit hard to believe that she was so good at all three.

I enjoyed reading about the rehearsals and everything that Elena went through to prepare for her plays and dances. As I said, I find it fascinating and fun to read about it. Dance books are up there with skating books for me. I love to read them. However, I should have written the review as soon as I finished reading Passion and Pain because at this point, a few months later, I don’t remember much about it. It was an alright read, but not that memorable.


Would I recommend it: I may recommend this book if you like Young Adult and performing arts. This is not a New Adult book but would not be suitable for anyone under the age of 15.

Will I read it again: I will not.


About the book – from Goodreads: 
Does passion and desire guarantee success? Can friends really be trusted? Can true love be found beneath lust and deceit?

These are questions tenacious street dancer Elena Martinez faces as she struggles to compete against the most talented students at New York’s top Performing Arts High School. Along with her best friend, the carefree and mischievous Sebastien Duval, they are determined to make center stage.

But the singing diva Letitia has other plans. Beautiful, talented and popular, her desire for revenge could ruin everything for Elena and Sebastien. Now, they must fight against prejudice, treachery and deceit as Letitia sets out to destroy Elena’s friendships, her romance, her dignity and her dreams. Can Elena win the battle for true love, happiness and success?


Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!


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