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Spotlight: Fadeout by Christina J. Adams (spotlight, interview, giveaway)
written by Christina J. Adams
published by Christina J. Adams
find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Goodreads
About the book: Every Carillian only exists for one purpose to provide a source of energy to the greater classes. Yet for thirteen-year-old Silas he does not fear the day the guards will come for him as much as he fears the day they will come for his older sister, Malina. And this day is rapidly approaching if her frequent bursts of emotion are not controlled.
Even though an escape has never succeeded before, Silas is determined to make it work and he begins to form a plan. However, just as Silas’ plan is about to start the owner comes to visit which throws all of his carefully memorized guard schedules into chaos. This is only made worse when Jamar, the owner’s bored son, picks Silas as a sparring partner.
Time is running out as the owner’s reason for visiting reveals a deeper threat to Silas from without and the growing fear and frustration of the other Carillians threaten to destroy his hopes from within. If they don’t escape soon he will lose all that he loves and this is not a result he is willing to survive.
Every Free Chance Book Reviews is pleased to welcome Christina Adams, author of Fadeout and The White Lilac, to the blog today. I read The White Lilac last year. (See my review 4 star here.) I can’t wait to read Fadeout. Ms. Adams has answered some questions for all of you.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
Fadeout is an entertaining, dystopian adventure of a boy willing to do anything to protect his sister from a fate worse than death and his fight against the society that believes some people aren’t worth the air they breathe.
Where did you get your inspiration for Fadeout?
My inspiration for Fadeout came from a poem idea I had where there were these classes of people, each with their own focus and societal ranking. At the very bottom was a class that no one cared about and this class was destined for the Machine. I didn’t know what the Machine was or what it did, but it triggered a whole new possibility for me and the story grew out of that as I began to answer questions for myself: What was the lowest class like? What did they think of the Machine? What would the rest of society do if this class tried to stop it?
Fadeout is book 1 in a series. Why did you choose to make this a series?
I’ve always known I wanted to write a series one day, because of the challenge this would present. Some stories can be told with minimum word usage and others can’t. This obviously depends on the writer’s vision for the story, but we’ve all read stories where we wanted to have more. An ending can’t just happen. All of the best endings I’ve loved were a product of everything that came before it. With a series all of the prior books have contributed not only to the ending but the way it makes the reader feel at the close of the last book’s cover.
Fadeout was actually not the first book I thought of in the series. I originally wanted it to be a stand-alone for adults which morphed into a trilogy and then I realized that Silas, the main character, would have had some very fun teen years to write about, like how he escaped from prison and learned how to fight, and I turned it into a series. One of the things I have loved about series in general is the chance to watch a character grow and learn. In keeping with this I decided not to start this story with a well-chiseled marksman, instead I’m starting with the lanky boy who has a seed of greatness hidden deep inside so that everyone can watch how it blossoms. Right now I’m thinking there will be 7 or 8 books total. It could be more or less depending on how the stories flow, but I’m not going to add more just because I can. It has to fit and be important to the natural growth of the characters and the plot. However I definitely have enough plot points for 7 or 8 books if I’m going to give the story the time and flow it needs.
Besides the Fadeout series of book, any other books in the works? Goals for future projects?
Right now I’m working on Remembered the sequel to Fadeout (which will be available this summer), but I will probably always have other books in the works. My ideas binder has over 40 different possible books waiting for me to have the time to sit down and write them. Some are more ready than others. I have two more books for The White Lilac world that I’m still working on plot points and outlines, a YA mystery/thriller stand-alone about a subway terrorist attack and a possible New Adult fantasy on war and love. On my goals: I’d love to be able to come out with three books a year, but right now my plan is two and to eventually build up my stamina to three.
In your opinion, how has your writing grown from The White Lilac to Fadeout?
When I was writing The White Lilac it was my first book and I wasn’t really sure who I was as a writer. I was still figuring out what worked, and more importantly what didn’t work, for me. By the time I finished The White Lilac I had sorted out a lot and knew more of who I was as a writer. Then with Fadeout I could just focus on the story and was able to start my process the right way from the very beginning.
There was also a big difference in confidence. With my first book I didn’t really think it would be any good. So I had this doubt floating in the back of my mind as I was writing my first book. But with my second, I had already seen the reviews from my first and knew there were readers who liked my stories, or at least didn’t completely hate them. J Writing the second had its own pressures, because now I had to be just as good as I was, however, dealing with this was not as overwhelming or uncertain.
What do you enjoy most about writing?
I love the opportunity to grow a character through events that are sometimes more exciting than any I’ve had on my own. They can also be often much harder than anything I’ve gone through and still these characters manage rise above all the challenges to become a different person, hopefully better. In a way it’s a chance for me to experience it too, because in order for me to write about it with any realistic accuracy, it first has to be real to me. Plus it’s fun to dive into a different world where I can just create and interact with different characters.
What is your favorite genre to read?
My favorite genre to read is definitely YA. Subgenres are a little bit more difficult. It really depends on the writing, themes and characters. If it grabs me, I love it. If it surprises me, I could be looking at a new favorite author.
Who is your favorite author?
I have so many but the longest author in this category is C.S. Lewis. I’ve read his books since I was a kid and I still enjoy reading them.
In your opinion, what is one book that everyone should read?
One book? That’s really hard! There are so many I could name and to pick only one is impossible, because then it seems like I’m picking sides. I would just say to read them all.
Tell us three things about yourself that cannot be found on the internet…at least not found easily.
I’ve heard grass growing on several occasions. (That is, the noise leaves make when they pop open.)
I love the beach, but I don’t like going more than knee deep in the water. I’ve seen too many movies.
Every time I start a new book there is still a part of me that doesn’t think I can finish writing a whole new book from 0 words to 60k+ and yet, somehow I still do.
About the author: Christina J. Adams finds inspiration in the green rolling hills and farmland surrounding her home in Maryland. She loves writing and reading books for children and teens and is the author of dystopian novels The White Lilac (a quarterfinalist in Amazon’s Breakthrough Novel Award 2013) and Fadeout, the first book of the And Carillians for the Machine series. In addition, she has also written several short stories and posts for her blog: Writing, Editing and Other Adventures.
The White Lilac
written by Christina J. Adams
published by CreateSpace
find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads
About the book – from the author: Fifteen year old Caryn Tobin is willing to sacrifice her life to save the world, and to atone for her part in the death of a friend. Kai Garrett will risk everything to discover his past and why he was abandon. When their paths join, they form an unlikely friendship that could change everything. The fate of the world hangs in the balance.
See my review here.
And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win 5 eBook copies of Fadeout and 5 eBook copies of The White Lilac!
Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!