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Review: When Girlfriends Step Up by Savannah Page

When Girlfriends Step Up - EBOOK - JPEG DraftWhen Girlfriends Step Up
written by Savannah Page
published by Pearls and Pages

find it here: Amazon, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I was asked by the author to review this book. I happily accepted because I really enjoyed the first book in this series, When Girlfriends Break Hearts. See my review here(I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: 
I did enjoy this book. It was a good addition (book #2) to the When Girlfriends… series. But I didn’t enjoy it as much as the first book.

***This review will contain at least one SPOILER for those of you who haven’t read When Girlfriends Break Hearts (which you should read, by the way!)***

The relationships in When Girlfriends Break Hearts were more real to me than they were in When Girlfriends Step Up. I just can’t imagine a group of late-twenty-something, single women going to the lengths that they went to when one of their own is expecting a child. Sophie’s reaction is the most unbelievable to me. How can a young woman be so behind the person that slept with her boyfriend and who is now carrying his child? I just can’t imagine that ever happening. Lara offering for Robin and the baby to move in with her? I don’t think any of my friends would have done that. And Bobby? That’s the hardest to believe. I’m glad about everything that happened there – very glad – but it’s unbelievable.

With that said, the story was a good pick up from where When Girlfriends Break Hearts left off. It continued telling us about the lives of the six friends. Robin and Lara seemed to be the two main characters with Robin being the clear lead. I liked Robin. It was fun watching her go through her pregnancy and learning what she could and could not do, eat, drink, etc. I’ve had three kids, I know what that feels like. It was funny to read it because I wanted to give her advice.

The girlfriends were there for each other through every part of Robin’s pregnancy. From finding out to telling the father to the birth and the baby’s one month birthday party. They are an amazing group of young women who share a special bond. You can be envious of their friendship. I could only wish to have had friends like hers. I felt bad for Lara throughout the book. She seems to really want a man in her life, a romantic relationship. I hope she finds someone in the future books.

In the end, this book just wasn’t as good as the first book. There was a lot of repeating between the monologue/narration of Robin and the subsequent dialogue. Sometimes that made it difficult to read because I thought I was rereading what I had already read. Some of the dialogue between the girlfriends seemed forced. But once you get beyond that, it was a sweet story with a happy ending.


Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book to anyone who read When Girlfriends Break Heartsand to anyone who likes a good chick lit read.

Will I read it again: I will not read When Girlfriends Step Up. I may read the first book, When Girlfriends Break Hearts, again but not this one. I can’t wait to read books 3 (When Girlfriends Make Choices) and 4 (When Girlfriends Chase Dreams)! Be on the look out for those reviews in the next few weeks. 🙂


About the book – from Goodreads: 
A novel about love and support, and learning that with enduring friendships, no woman is ever alone.

Robin Sinclair is young, determined, and has a promising career at a small publishing house in Seattle. Even though she considers herself unlucky in love, Robin still dreams of eventually meeting Mr. Right and having a happily-ever-after kind of life. And at twenty-five, the world of opportunity is wide. But it’s been a difficult year filled with trials…and it’s only just begun.

While long-time friendships are finally on the mend, and things are starting to look up again, Robin is faced with her biggest challenge yet. She’s single and pregnant.

Uncertain now of her future and scared of being alone, Robin must re-examine her life and choices, and summon the courage to step up.

With the love and support of her best girlfriends from college, especially her best friend and roommate, Lara, Robin will learn that when the going gets tough, the best of friends become family. And, perhaps, with their encouragement, Robin can mature and gain the confidence needed to become a single mother. And, who knows about being unlucky in love. Things are suddenly getting interesting with Robin’s attractive co-worker, Bobby.

This is the endearing sequel to When Girlfriends Break Hearts about maturity and perseverance. It’s a story about friends coming together as family, about finding the strength within and around, and about writing your own happily-ever-after. About what happens when girlfriends step up.

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!


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