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Blog Tour: Tales from the Laundry Pile by Kathleen Kole (spotlight, interview, excerpt)
Tales from the Laundry Pile
written by Kathleen Kole
published by Sublime Coyote Media
find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Smashwords, Goodreads
About the book – from Goodreads: Claire Jamieson has moved back home to Boxwood Hills… And, she’s not alone. Trailing behind her overworked laundry basket is her husband and their energetic twin boys.
Claire had always thought that once she’d left the nest, she’d never return. Now that she has, she’s wondering what type of bird that makes her… Cuckoo?
When she has a moment to pause and catch her breath, she’ll let you know.
Please enjoy the following excerpt from Tales from the Laundry Pile.
“There it is again, Mommy!”
Claire jerked on her step ladder. She was standing in front of to her soon-to-be-painted kitchen wall, paintbrush at the ready, when a metallic ratta-tat-tat on their furnace vent hammered through the house.
Damned woodpecker, she thought. She’d banished from her memory all the wildlife moments that had occurred throughout her formative years in Boxwood Hills. However, as the woodpecker used her house for its drum solo, those memories were coming back at speed.
Noah came charging into the room, Evan hot on his heels, the two of them brandishing matching orange and yellow water pistols. More like water cannons, truth be told.
“We’re going to scare him away!” Evan declared.
“Boys, hang on,” Claire said, trying to keep her balance on the ladder and parent at the same time. It was like trying to keep up with a tornado.
Evan didn’t even glance in her direction, his focus solely on following his brother outside through the porch screen door, water pistol resting on his shoulder like a machine gun.
“Oh, Jake,” she muttered, as her sons disappeared from sight into the backyard. “This is your fault.”
It had been Jake’s inspired idea to use the water pistols, stating that he, his brother and their sister had done the same thing when they were kids to humanely deter the woodpeckers. Claire debated, did she throw caution to the wind and continue with her edging on the wall, or follow behind them?
“Don’t shoot!” a woman’s voice rang out from the backyard. “I come in peace!”
Claire’s eyebrows shot upward on her forehead. Decision made. She rapidly descended the steel step ladder, turned on her heel and nearly wiped out when her foot tangled in the drop cloth.
“Nuts!” she blurted, only just managing to keep herself upright by clutching at the kitchen table for balance.
“Boys!” she yelled, shaking off the drop cloth and regaining her footing to take off at speed through the door. She thundered down the back steps in her bare feet, paintbrush still held aloft. “Do not shoot those things at anyone! Do you hear me––”
Every Free Chance Book Reviews is pleased to welcome Kathleen Kole, author of Tales from the Laundry Pile, to the blog today. She is touring the blogosphere with CLP Blog Tours and has answered some of my questions for all of you.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book. Well, that’s a challenge, but here goes: Tales from the Laundry Pile offers you an engaging, thoughtful story of motherhood, family tangles, new friendships and self-discovery.
Where did you get your inspiration for Tales from the Laundry Pile? It started with the title. A very odd thing for me as my stories are usually created character first, then title. Anyway, the title arrived and from there Claire’s story swiftly came together. As for inspiration, I’d say the so-called “motherhood condition” was the fuel behind this story.
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? Absolutely! I’ve just completed the dirty draft of my next novel (another tale to introduce you to more characters residing in Boxwood Hills) and have at least three more stories waiting patiently in the recesses of my thoughts. Never a dull moment in my head.
Have you always been a writer or did you start out in a different profession? I did the usual gambit of part-time, customer service jobs in my late teens and early twenties; however, when I decided to pursue an actual chosen path, writing was my gig.
What do you enjoy most about writing? Finishing the final edits, typing “The End,” and handing it to my publisher with the declaration: “It’s your problem now!” Hahaha! Okay, seriously… The best part is stepping inside my stories. Being able to live so many different lives is such a great thing for my personality. I love change, so it allows me an outlet for that facet of my nature.
Do you remember any of the stories you told when you were a child? If so, have any of them morphed into one of your novels? Or at least made an appearance? How did you know I was a storyteller in my childhood? You must be psychic. As for those stories, I do remember them in a generic sort of way. None, however, have traveled with me to show up on the pages of my novels.
What is your favorite genre to read? Women’s fiction.
Who is your favorite author? Oh, dear, just one? How on Earth will I do that? Literally, when I read your question, at least three different authors jumped into my head. Oh, boy. I’ll cheat a bit, if that’s okay, and extend it beyond just one. Maeve Binchy (I already miss her voice.). Anne Tyler. Karen McQuestion. Fannie Flagg…. Okay, I’ll force myself to stop. I could go on and on and on.
In your opinion, what is one book that everyone should read? Boy oh boy, you ask challenging questions! I want to repeat my “Just one?” response. I’ve had the privilege of reading so many fabulous books; however, I’ll pick Can’t Wait to Get to Heaven by Fannie Flagg. Even just thinking about it makes me smile.
Tell us three things about yourself that cannot be found on the internet…at least not found easily. Hmm, that’s a thinker. Three things that come to mind: I love nature and gardens, but detest gardening. The first full meal I ever cooked for my family was when I was fourteen years old and yet, if I could get away with it, I’d never prepare another meal for the rest of my life. Sitting still for any length of time is one of my greatest challenges – quite the irony considering what I do for a living.
A quick thanks if I may to you, Chrissy, for allowing me the privilege of being a guest on your blog. As well, another thank you for doing my the honor of being a part of the tour for Tales from the Laundry Pile.
You’re very welcome, Kathleen! I’m glad we could do the interview and that I could be a part of your tour.
And don’t worry, I’m not a psychic…I just do my research!
About the author: Kathleen Kole is the author of Breaking Even, Dollars to Donuts, Favorable Conditions and her new release, Tales from the Laundry Pile.
Kathleen lives with her husband, son and dog in the beautiful Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada.
**Everyone who leaves a comment on Kathleen’s tour page (click the button below) will be entered to win a four print books from Kathleen! Titles are: Breaking Even, Dollars to Donuts, Favorable Conditions and Tales From the Laundry Pile.One bonus winner will win a $20 Amazon gift card! Anyone who purchases their copy of Tales From the Laundry Pile before July 29 and sends their receipt to Samantha (at) ChickLitPlus (dot) com, will get five bonus entries.**
Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!
by chicklitplus
Thanks for sharing!
by TheEveryFreeChanceReader
No problem!
I enjoyed doing the interview with Ms. Kole and reading her responses.