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Blog Tour: Looming Murder by Carol Ann Martin (spotlight, guest post)

Looming-Murder-by-Carol-Ann-MartinLooming Murder
written by Carol Ann Martin
published by Signet

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Book Depository, Goodreads

About the book – from Goodreads: LOOM WITH A VIEW

Della Wright has come to peaceful and picturesque Briar Hollow, at the foot of the Blue Ridge Mountains, to realize her lifelong dream of owning a weaving studio. To promote her new business, Dream Weavers, Della is offering weaving workshops for all levels of ability. In her first class, she meets half a dozen of the town’s colorful characters, who seem as eager to gossip as to learn how to work a loom. But when a shady local businessman is found murdered, Briar Hollow suddenly appears a lot less idyllic. And when one of her weaving students is suspected of the crime, Della can’t help getting entangled in the investigation—with some help from her criminologist friend, Matthew. But can she weave together clues as well as she weaves together yarn—and stop a killer from striking again?


Every Free Chance Book Reviews is pleased to welcome Carol Ann Martin (a.k.a. Monique Domovitch), author of Looming Murder, to the blog today. She is touring the blogosphere with CLP Blog Tours. She has written the following guest post for all of you.

Hi Chrissy,

Thank you so much for inviting me to your blog. I’m thrilled to be here.

It’s funny. I still can’t believe that I’m an author. I’ve wanted to write my whole life, but was sure I’d missed the boat. Then, I took an early retirement and decided to go for my dream. And here I am, with four books published, another two due out within the next six months, and then a seventh in about a year. Some days, I have to pinch myself to believe it.

I didn’t always write. When I was younger—much, much younger—I was a fashion model. I sort of fell into the industry. I was a tall and skinny teenager, and like all teenagers I had self-confidence issues. My mother used to tell me that I wasn’t too skinny, that I looked like those girls in the fashion magazines. Of course I didn’t believe her, but still, it piqued my curiosity. When I was twenty two I went knocking on the door of a modeling agency and was accepted on the spot.

I know it’s probably difficult to imagine making a leap from modeling to writing, but I made another career leap in between. Modeling isn’t a lifetime career, at least it wasn’t in those days. So when I reached my mid-thirties, I studied finance and became a financial planner and retirement adviser. (I took my own advice and retired early. :-D)  The problem, however, was that my passion was for writing, and throughout all those years, I secretly dreamed of chucking it all and going for it. And I did, and—wonder of wonders—it worked.  And I was already in my fifties at this point. This should prove to everyone that it’s never too late to follow your dream. If I could start a new career in my mid-fifties, and succeed, anybody can do anything if they put their mind to it.

Oh, my God, so much talk about career here, when I should really be talking about my book. Well, let me leave you with an invitation to read Looming Murder, and to visit my website, . And please write to me. I love to hear from readers and hopeful writers.


monique domovitchAbout the author: Carol Ann Martin is a pen name. The author lives with her husband and an ever expanding family of dogs. They travel extensively and she is never seen without her laptop. When is not writing or traveling, she bakes and weaves.
Find Ms. Martin here: web, Goodreads


**Everyone who leaves a comment on the tour page (click the tour button below) will be entered to win a $20 Amazon gift card! Anyone who purchases their copy of Looming Murder before  July 29 and sends their receipt to Samantha (at) ChickLitPlus (dot) com, will get five bonus entries.**


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Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!


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  • by chicklitplus
    Posted July 23, 2013 10:38 am 0Likes

    Thanks for hosting!

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