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Blog Tour: For Everly by Raine Thomas (review, giveaway)

For Everly Cover 1For Everly
written by Raine Thomas
published by Iambe Books

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Book DepositoryGoodreads

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by the author, Raine Thomas. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
I loved this book. I read every free chance I had and finished it in one day. I have 3 kids, so that says a lot. For Everly caught a hold of me at the beginning and didn’t let go until I was finished and then some.

This book is not your typical romance book where the only thing that happens is boy meets girl, the two are seemingly incompatible and from different worlds yet they end up together. This book has so much depth to it that it surprises the reader and keeps your attention wondering what will be revealed next. I dare say that the blurb is a bit misleading in that it doesn’t begin to scratch the surface as to what is going on.

There were so many things that I wasn’t expecting. Some things I had guessed as the story progressed. Some things were kind of obvious but you didn’t want them to be true and you held out hope that they weren’t true. These may not be obvious to everyone but my former profession helped tip me off. (I don’t want to say to much for fear of ruining the book.) But the characters were wonderful.

The story focused on Everly and Cole. I loved Everly, and not just for her name. She is a strong young woman who can hold her own and yet knows how to show emotion and be vulnerable. I loved Cole, he is such a great guy – typical in many ways, refreshing in others. Jake, the loving grandfather. There is a particular scene late in the book that I absolutely loved. My favorite scene because it reveals so much about him. All of the characters were well-written. The reader is given some information about some of the other characters such as Wyatt, Rowan, Mason, etc. They play their parts well, but this story isn’t about them. It’s about Everly and Cole, everyone else is secondary.

I’m sorry for being kind of cryptic in the review but I really don’t want to spoil anything. Get the book. Read it. I hope that you have the same reading experience as I had. I laughed, I cried, I winced, I was angry, I was giddy. I experienced it all. Thank you Ms. Thomas for a wonderful read.


Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book. It is a great romance with some serious issues that will have you go through a range of emotions you didn’t think possible in one book.

Will I read it again: I just may.


About the book – from Goodreads:
**Mature Content Warning** This is a New Adult novel recommended for ages 17+ due to language, sexual content, and mature subject matter.

Determined to overcome a dark and tragic past, college student Everly Wallace is only months away from earning her degree in physical therapy. She’s consumed with school, caring for her ailing grandfather, and figuring out how to pay the next bill. The last thing she wants is a relationship, but it just might be the one thing she needs.

Major League pitcher Cole Parker hasn’t fought for anything in his life. He went from a privileged upbringing to a multimillion dollar All-Star career. But when his pitching shoulder starts to give him trouble at only twenty-four years old, he faces the possibility of his injury becoming public knowledge and costing him everything.

In a desperate bid to save his career, Cole decides to hire someone to treat his injury, someone who will keep things off the record and out of the media. He finds the perfect solution in Everly. As mysterious as she is beautiful, she provides an enticing distraction from his pain. Soon, physical therapy is the last thing on his mind.

When an act of betrayal brings the truths they both fear to light, Cole will have to fight for the first time in his life…not just for his career, but for Everly’s love.

Raine Thomas Headshot (small)About the author: Raine Thomas is the award-winning author of a bestselling series of YA fantasy/romance novels about the Estilorian plane, including the Daughters of Saraqael trilogy and the Firstborn trilogy. Her latest book is a New Adult Contemporary Romance titled For Everly. She is a proud member of Romance Writers of America and is a contributing blogger to The Writer’s Voice. When she isn’t planning weddings, writing, or glued to social networking sites, she can usually be found on one of Florida’s beautiful beaches with her husband and daughter or crossing the border to visit with her Canadian friends and relatives.

Find Ms. Thomas here: web, blog, Facebook, Twitter, Goodreads, Pinterest, LinkedIn


And now for the GIVEAWAY!! Fill out the Rafflecopter form below for your chance to win a signed paperback copy of For Everly plus some swag or a $25 Amazon gift card!

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Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!


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  • by Raine Thomas (@Raine_Thomas)
    Posted June 1, 2013 9:22 am 0Likes

    Thanks so much for being a part of the launch tour!

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