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Review: Three Sisters and Showstoppers by Helen Smith

Three Sisters and Showstoppers
written by Helen Smith

find Showstoppers here: AmazonGoodreads

find Three Sisters here: AmazonGoodreads

Why did I pick this book: I had participated in the blog tour hosted by I Am a Reader Not a Writer(I received a copy of these books for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy these books: Three Sisters and Showstoppers were okay. They were supposed to be quick reads but they did not hold my attention or interest. Each book was approximately 40 Nook pages and it took me almost all day to finish one story. I just could not get into them.

I did not connect with the leading lady, Emily Castle. I couldn’t understand what she was thinking or doing. She seemed a bit too scattered. Emily didn’t seem to like anyone in her neighborhood and appeared put out to have to talk to anyone. I’m surprised she ever left her house. 

The mysteries that Emily finds herself somewhat involved in are not developed enough for my taste. I got the gist of what was happening but it was just difficult for me to really get into it…to wonder “whodunit?” Even the setting of the stage was confusing. I couldn’t follow along with where Emily was and what she was seeing. And re-reading the synopsis for the books, I don’t even remember Dr. Crowther being that important to the plot of the story. She was just kind of there but not really.

These stories could be really great but they fell flat in my opinion.

Would I recommend them: I would not recommend these books.

Will I read them again: I will not.

About the books: Three Sisters and Showstoppers are two novella-length stories in the Emily Castles mystery series. The first full-length novel, Invitation to Die, will be published by Thomas & Mercer in October 2013.

The Emily Castles mystery series is set in present-day London. It features twenty-six-year-old Londoner, Emily Castles and her neighbor, eccentric philosophy professor Dr. Muriel Crowther. In Three Sisters, Emily goes to a party in a big house at the end of her street. She’s sure she witnesses a murder, but no one will believe her. She teams up with Dr. Muriel to investigate.

In Showstoppers, Emily helps out at a local stage school run by her neighbor, Victoria. Soon she’s mixed up in a blackmail plot and two deaths. Emily and Dr. Muriel team up to prevent further a massacre live on stage during the end of term show.

          Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!

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