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Review: Kiss Me (The Keatyn Chronicles #2) by Jillian Dodd

Kiss Me (Keatyn Chronicles #2)
written by Jillian Dodd
published by Bandit Publishing

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book:  I participated in the blog tour for Kiss Me but my stop was a review of the first book, Stalk Me. (See my review here.) I am participating in the blog tour for Date Me hosted by AToMR Tours. My post will be up on Friday for Date Me. So, I wanted to read Kiss Me to complete the series. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: I did enjoy this book. In fact, I liked it better – yes, better! – than the first book in The Keatyn Chronicles series. Kiss Me kept me reading and I can’t wait to see what happens in Date Me.

This installment of The Keatyn Chronicles had me caught up in Keatyn’s new life. I like her new life so much more than her Hollywood life. Keatyn was more real in this book. She’s growing up a bit, figuring out who she is. I love how strong Keatyn is in this book. She has to deal with a very scary situation and she is dealing rather well. I’m impressed by that. For 16, she could have gone in a very different direction. Keatyn does flirt a lot and can’t make up her mind about guys. But I chalk that up to her age.

The new characters are wonderful. Some are like her old friends. Some are completely different. Aiden and Dawson are great love interests for Keatyn. I’m not a big Aiden fan. He seems to run too hot and cold for me. And he is rather immature. Dawson seems like a sweetheart. He’s a typical teen-aged boy but he is good for Keatyn. Dallas and Riley are great friends for Keatyn. They are her friends and her brothers (in a way) and I adore them both. They really look after her and want to be her friend…not anything else. Whitney and Peyton seem typical but I like Peyton a lot more at the end of Kiss Me. Whitney is your typical spoiled brat who thinks she is the queen bee.

Are there parts of this book that I still find unbelievable? Yes, but more believable than Stalk Me. I can see drinking and drugs at a boarding school more so than being served at a bar or hotel. I can see the sneaking in and out of the dorms. This boarding school sounds more like college than high school, but I can see it. Can I see a 16 year old buying her own loft in New York City? No, but in this situation, I guess it could happen. Can I see a group of high school kids leaving their school and going away for the weekend to someone’s vacation home? Not really, but it works. Can I see a dean taking part in the cafeteria scene? Absolutely not!!! Did that scene make me smile and giggle? Absolutely!!

Would I recommend it: The same as Stalk MeI would recommend this book to those who like contemporary YA and light reads. Read Stalk Me first though.

Will I read it again: I will not but I am looking forward to reading Date Me.

About the book: I’ve always written scripts for my perfect life.

But no way could I have ever scripted this.
My life is so far from perfect, it’s not even funny.

All because of a stalker.

I’m at a boarding school where I have to lie about who I am.
I can’t see my family.
I’m tutoring a hottie god that tortures me with his smile.
The most popular girl already hates me.
But there’s this boy.
This hot, sweet, sexy boy.
So I’m going to stop trying to script my life and just live it.
Because who knows how long I have left.
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