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Cover Reveal: Love in Darkness by E.M. Tippetts

I am so excited to be a part of the cover reveal for E.M. Tippett’s new book in the Shattered Castles series, Love in Darkness. I read the first book in this series, Castles on the Sand, and I really enjoyed it. (See my review here.) I can’t wait to read Love in Darkness!

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Title: Love in Darkness

Author: E.M. Tippetts

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Age Group: New Adult

Cover Designer: Okay Creations

Expected release date: May 21, 2013

Cover reveal organized by: AToMR Tours

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Alex had everything when he was with Madison. But the darkness within him wouldn’t go away. After two years apart, he returns to Pelican Bluffs and to the girl he never wanted to leave.

Madison wants to give their love another chance, but Alex can’t fight fate. He is what he is. Ruined. Crazy like his mother. And Madison deserves so much more. When his secrets spill out into their small town, Alex has a choice to make. Hide away in the darkness forever, or let love in.



About the Author: Emily Mah Tippetts writes romance under the name E.M. Tippetts and science fiction and fantasy under the name Emily Mah. Originally from New Mexico, she now lives in London with her family. Before she was a published author, she was an attorney who specialized in real estate, contracts, and estate planning, especially literary estate planning.

Find Ms. Tippetts here: E.M. TippettsTwitterFacebook


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Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!

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