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Blog Tour: Finding Out by Sheryn MacMunn with an interview
Finding Out
written by Sheryn MacMunn
published by CreateSpace
find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by CLP Blog Tours. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)
Did I enjoy this book: I really enjoyed this book. I wasn’t that into it at the beginning, but man, I could not put this book down once I got about half way through. I read every free chance I had.
At first, I wasn’t sure about this book. I was expecting a light-hearted chick lit book. This was not that and I am so glad that is wasn’t. There was a lot of emotion in this book. I wasn’t sure how all of the characters fit together in this story. By the end, it made sense. (And, yes, I know, most books do make sense at the end. I’m just saying that really stood out to me.)
Sheila wasn’t your “normal” leading lady. She had some issues of her own. There were quite a few times that I wanted to yell at Sheila to grow up, move on, and take charge. There were other times I did feel bad for her. I was impressed that she befriended her elderly neighbor…not to get anything from it but to make a connection. That connection was just what she needed.
I was amazed at Ruth’s story. So often, we read about the Jews during World War II and all the horrific things they went through. We do not hear that often about what the Germans who didn’t necessarily agree with the Reich went through. It was amazing. I could feel, see, hear, experience it all through Ruth’s story. I was captivated.
Then, the stuff going down at the office where Sheila worked. Kind of figured, but still surprised at the extent. I wanted more about Alessandra. I wanted more about some of the other workers. I wanted a bit more about how all of these things were connected.
I agree with Ms. MacMunn when I asked her about why we should read her book in the interview below. She responded: “Because in a time of seemingly endless change and turmoil, we need to remember that previous generations have endured must worse and triumphed.”

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book. In fact, I will be recommending this book to my book group!
Will I read it again: I just may.
About the book – from Goodreads: Getting dumped on the sidewalk by her live-in boyfriend of seven years and finding he nearly emptied their savings account is the first of Sheila Davenport’s problems. At thirty-six, Sheila had thought her life was on track.
Now she’s saddled with a mortgage that is about to skyrocket, a psychotic boss, and she has to train someone who is unqualified and just doesn’t care about the rules. Life no longer makes sense.
Her friends advise her to date immediately, preferably someone rich and successful, or risk being old and alone. But Sheila’s trying to figure out what went wrong and how she got to this place. Since Prince Charming has ruined Sheila’s life, who can save her now?
Help comes unexpectedly from her elderly neighbor, Ruth Grey, who has had her own share of life’s ups and downs. As their friendship grows, Ruth reveals a mesmerizing story of life in WWII Germany mixed with a tale of powerful love and revenge. Ruth’s story provides the perspective that Sheila needs to put the pieces of her own life together.
Will Sheila succeed at work or walk away? Can she save her home? And why do her friends think their lives are any better?

Where did you get your inspiration for Finding Out? I realized that there weren’t any books that spoke to a single woman in her 30s who had to deal with life on her own. Most of the chick lit genre focused on younger women on the cusp of figuring out their career and finding love. I wanted to write a story about women in the middle part of her career and the decisions she needs to make to compete in the workplace. Also, I loved Sex and the City but the way those characters dated wasn’t realistic. I didn’t know women who jumped from guy to guy in one week and the women that I know in their 30s aren’t on a quest for love as they were in their 20s. So I wanted a story about women who were experiencing love in a realistic way and getting help by relying on good friends. Finding Out came out of that premise.
Please tell us in one sentence only, why we should read your book.
Because in a time of seemingly endless change and turmoil, we need to remember that previous generations have endured must worse and triumphed.
How did you balance work, family, and writing? It’s not easy. As I write this interview, I’m peeling an orange for one child while another is having a fit over doing homework. When I was writing the novel, however, I set a schedule so everyone knew what to expect. I wrote on Sunday afternoons and Tuesday mornings every week. I also wrote while commuting on the train to New York. I got really good at typing on a Blackberry. Some nights when I put my daughters to bed, I went back to writing. That way if my kids needed something and I said ‘I’m writing’ they understood that I was doing something important.
What was it like to see Finding Out on Amazon’s Top 50 best seller lists for women’s fiction? Amazing. I jumped out of my seat and screamed for everyone to look at the computer screen! It’s so uplifting to know that people all over the world are reading about the characters that I love. I also called my Mother immediately.
Any other books in the works? Goals for future projects? I have four outlines for novels right now. My very next project is a sequel to Finding Out. So many people have written asking to know more about Ruth’s life and wanting answers to some of the mysteries in the novel. After thinking it over and writing a few outlines, I decided that I would have that as my next project. So far, response from my inside circle has been very positive so I’m excited.
What do you enjoy most about writing? The best part about writing is that it takes me on a journey. The characters takeover and bring me into their worlds and tell me their stories. Sometimes I will finish a scene and am startled to find that I am sitting in my kitchen and not in Germany or New York! My least favorite thing is editing. It takes a village to get a book to be properly edited. Then I found my extraordinary editor, Merry Hayes, who tied up all the loose ends and grammatical mistakes. It was then that I realized how critical an editor is to the writing process.
What is your favorite genre to read? Women’s Fiction and Historical Fiction.
Who is your favorite author? I always read novels by Emily Giffin, Sophie Kinsella, and Elin Hilderbrand. I also love Phillippa Gregory, Paula McLain, and Martin Amis.
In your opinion, what is one book that everyone should read? Gone With The Wind. I read it every ten years. Because the story encompasses life, war and love, my attitude toward the story changes every time I read it. The love stories take on new meaning from when I read it at 14, 24, 34, and after being married. I used to think Scarlett was wonderful and Melanie was the fool. Now I see how wonderful Melanie is and how Scarlett is impetuous. Also, the effects on war take on meaning as I’ve grown and have children of my own.
Tell us three things about yourself that cannot be found on the internet…at least not found easily. Yikes. Here it goes.
1. My house is often messy because I have learned that it is better for everyone if I let go of being perfect. Everyone in the house is happier – though I do sometimes wish that my house looked like a Pottery Barn catalog.
2. I do not like to cook – thankfully my husband does and is really good at it.
3. I sometimes eat ice cream instead of a proper meal.
About the author: Sheryn MacMunn self-published her debut novel, Finding Out, in April 2012. It became an Amazon best-seller in two months, hitting the Contemporary Women and Contemporary Fiction list. FINDING OUT then hit best-seller status in the Single Women, Friendship, Romance, and Love & Romance categories as well. In addition to being a self-published author, Sheryn works full-time in Mobile ad sales. Sheryn attended University of Massachusetts, Lowell and received her MBA from Simmons College School of Management. She now lives in Connecticut with her family.

by Samantha
Awesome review Chrissy!
by The Every Free Chance Reader
Thanks! I really loved this book!