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GIVEAWAY!! Blog Tour: Reaction (Reflection #2) by Jessica Roberts

Reaction (Reflection #2)
written by Jessica Roberts          

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour hosted by YA Bound(I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: This was a good sequel and conclusion to this series. It wasn’t a book that I had to read every free chance I had. But it kept me engrossed enough to want to read through it in a short amount of time.

*This review will contain SPOILERS if you have not read Reflection. You have been warned.*

We have the same cast of characters as we met in Reflection. Heather is trying to find her way back into the world after waking from her long coma. She does experience a reaction which was very interesting and very unexpected. That little twist was nice. Nick is kind of in the picture but he is still angry and hurt and unsure as to what he should do especially since he now has Paige, his fiance. Creed and Liz are Heather’s best friends. It was great to see Heather and Liz reconnect to quickly and easily. That’s how true friends are…you can not speak to each other for years but pick up just where you left off.

Some of the situations, specifically the romantic ones, I found a bit unbelievable. Not because it couldn’t happen, but because of their ages. Heather is only 21…she was 18 when she went into the coma. That seems awfully young to be so sure of someone else. And Nick is only 23 or 24, also young. 

Reaction – and Reflection for that matter – is a great concept. Definitely a concept that I haven’t read before. What would you do if you had to pick up where you left off even though everyone else’s life kept moving forward? 

Would I recommend it: If you read Reflection, then you should read Reaction. It is a good ending to that story.

Will I read it again: I will not.

About the book – from Goodreads (Contains spoilers if you have not read Reflection):  


I’ve previously had that in my life, but only once, briefly, a while ago. It was during the time I’d started my first year of college. My own apartment, a new old car, and a life free of deadbeat stepfathers, all of which was fulfilling enough. But if it wasn’t, I also had a best friend, soul mate, and boyfriend all in one. Yes, life was near perfect.

But one stormy night can change everything… 

For many months I rested in a prolonged sleep, fighting for my life. Well, more than fighting for it, also dreaming of it. Dreaming of him. Thank goodness, the dream is over and I’m back in the real world now. And all I want is for everything to return to the way it was. But nothing’s the same; most of all, us.

Once again, I find myself at the crossroads of a ruthless battle, this time not for life, but love. Do I fight for the guy I twice fell for, or do I let her take him away?

About the author: Jessica Roberts grew up in the San Francisco, California Bay Area where she spent most of her time playing sports alongside her six siblings. She was crowned Miss Teen California her senior year of high school, and went on to Brigham Young University where she graduated in Human Development. Her love of family, church, writing, athletics, and singing and dancing keeps her life busy and fulfilled. She currently resides in Utah with her husband and three children.

Find Ms. Roberts here: blogFacebookTwitter, Goodreads

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Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!
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