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News on the Home Front by Christopher Geoffrey McPherson

News on the Home Front
written by Christopher Geoffrey McPherson          
published by Christopher Geoffrey McPherson 

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: The author, Christopher McPherson, requested that I review his book. I happily accepted his request. (I received a copy of the book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: I did enjoy this book. It took a little while to find the groove and really get into it, but once I did, I read it every free chance I had until I finished the last sentence.

I have always enjoyed historical fiction revolving around World War II. News on the Home Front was a great, new perspective…much different than a lot of the WWII fiction books that I have read in the past. I don’t think I have every read a WWII fiction novel that focused on the women left at home in the states when the men went to war. This book put me through so many emotions…sad, happy, content, anxious, laughter, stress. You name it (just about anything), I felt it while reading this book. 

At first, I did not care for the two main characters – Carole and Irene. I thought that they were rather spoiled and childish. However, the further along in the book I got, the more I felt for them. Carole grew the most throughout this book. She is truly a strong and courageous young woman. Irene, Carole’s best friend, was a hard worker, volunteering to work in the factory even though she didn’t need to work. She became a crane operator much to the chagrin of her male counterparts. Although Irene doesn’t always make the right decisions, she is a true, caring friend. 

The other characters were well-written, too. I enjoyed Mrs. Kennison, the loving maid and long-time “member” of the family. Philip was Carole’s fiance and pilot sent overseas for a top secret mission. Bretaigne, Carole’s doctor, was a good guy who had fled to the US from Nazi Germany. I would have liked more of his story. 

The book went back and forth between the present time and the past which laid some groundwork for Carole and Irene’s friendship. With these different scenes came different points of view for the narration. Sometimes these transitions were difficult to keep up with but not so difficult that it made that book less enjoyable. The same can be said for the typos that were found here and there – more so towards the end of the book. 

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book, especially if you enjoy reading World War II historical fiction.

Will I read it again: I will not read this book again but I will definitely read more by this author.

About the book – from the author: 
Set against a worldwide canvas that includes New York, Paris and Germany “News on the Home Front” tells the story of two women who have been friends since their childhood in West Lake, Maryland. The world war has torn apart their lives leaving each trying to find a way to put it back together. It’s been a difficult few years with rationing and shortages starting to take their toll. Carole’s boyfriend, Philip, is off to fly for the Army; and Irene has taken a job at the nearby aircraft factory. Carole promised Philip that she would wait for his return from the war — but circumstances begin to conspire against her. She’s waited her whole life for him, but can she make it until the end of the war? 

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!
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