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Pretty Amy by Lisa Burstein

Pretty Amy
written by Lisa Burstein          
published by Entangled Publishing

Why did I pick this book: I participated in the blog tour for this book. Ms. Burstein answered some questions for my readers. See her interview here(I was provided with an advanced copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: It was alright. I read it…but it took some “convincing” to pick up the book and keep reading it. I didn’t want to read it every free chance I had. 

Amy was a character that I really didn’t like. She had just about everything. What she did not have was a mom that cared about her as much as Amy wanted her mom to or as much as her mom should have cared. Amy had a mom who cared more about herself and her own image rather than her daughter. I would have hated to have a mom like Amy’s but I don’t think that would have made me act like Amy or have Amy’s attitude, which was lousy. Amy couldn’t see or appreciate what she did have…she only lamented about what she didn’t have. The friends she chose as her “best friends” were nothing more than users. Lila only liked her because Amy wasn’t as pretty or as popular as Lila. Cassie was the bad girl that balanced out quiet Amy and outgoing Lila. They were poor friends for Amy.

The first question I had while reading this story was why were the girls picking up their prom dates??? Shouldn’t that be the other way around? I couldn’t imagine doing that when I was in high school. I couldn’t imagine my parents allowing me to do that either. I guess I’ll chalk that up to the different generation. The second question is why didn’t ANY of the girls tell the truth??? I just don’t get it. I know they are already in trouble but it may not have been quite as bad if they had told what actually happened. I will never understand that. 

Joe was by far my favorite character. He could see Amy’s “friends” for what they were and tried to get Amy to see that. And when all hope was lost and Amy’s “friends” abandoned her, he was there waiting to help pick up the pieces. Connor was another great character. He embodied Christian love and compassion. Anyone should desire to have friends like these two guys! I wish Amy could have seen that. 

Would I recommend it: No, I wouldn’t, especially not to any teenagers that I know. I would not want them to end up acting like Amy. 

Will I read it again: No.

About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: Amy is one of a trio of seemingly close friends—Lila, who is beautiful and popular, and Cassie, who is very cool and doesn’t care about what the world thinks of her. Amy feels that by being friends with these girls, she becomes cool and beautiful by association. 

Amy and her friends are ready to enjoy their prom. However, their dates stand them up and the girls decide to make the night unforgettable – despite not having their dates for the prom. The night does become unforgettable as they are arrested for drugs.

Now, Amy has to rebuild her life and reevaluate what is important to her. Her friends are now off her radar because her parents won’t allow her to see them. She has a job and a coworker who wants to help her despite her actions and attitude. 

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!

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