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Spirit Fighter (Son of Angels #1) by Jerel Law

Spirit Fighter (Son of Angels #1)
written by Jerel Law          
published by Thomas Nelson

Why did I pick this book: I was going to participate in a blog tour for this book. Unfortunately the tour was cancelled, but I was still given the opportunity to do a review, thankfully, because the book sounded too good to pass up. (I received a copy of Spirit Fighter for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book: I really did enjoy this book. I read it every free chance I had and finished it quickly. Spirit Fighter held my attention from the very beginning and didn’t let go until the very end. This was a positive book that had a lot of action and adventure!

This book is geared for the middle grade crowd…the hero is 13-year-old Jonah Stone. He learns that he is a quarter-angel, or a quarterling, as are his two siblings. Jonah’s mother – Eleanor – is a half-angel who is kidnapped by order of Abaddon, the Prince of Darkness. Jonah and his 11-year-old sister, Eliza, have been chosen by Elohim, God, to save their mother. They embark on an adventure that keeps the reader on the edge of their seat.

This story is based on scripture and learning to put all of your faith and trust in God. Spirit Fighter has a positive message to send to its readers…don’t let the darkness overtake you, always allow the light to come through. I enjoyed the scripture references throughout and how the heroes always relied on God to help them through the tough situations. I think that this book will open up dialogue between kids and their parents about the Bible and its teachings. 

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book…to middle grade kids to young adults to adults. In fact, I will be recommending this book to my 10 year old cousin. I’m sure he will love it! And I will definitely have my sons read this book when they are old enough.  

Will I read it again: I will probably read this book again when it is time for my sons to read this book. But not until then. I will be anxiously awaiting the sequel, Fire Prophet, which is due out in the fall.

About the book – from the publisher: What if Nephilim – the children of angels and men – still walked the earth? And their very presence put the entire world in danger? In Spirit Fighter, Jonah and Eliza Stone learn that their mother is a Nephilim and that they have special powers as quarter-angels. When their mom is kidnapped by fallen angels, they must use those powers to save her. Along the way, they discover that there is a very real and dangerous war going on between good and evil and that God has a big part of them to play in that war. 

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!

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