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The Red Tent by Anita Diamant

The Red Tent
written by Anita Diamant           
published by St. Martin’s Press

Why did I pick this book: This was my book group’s June pick. 

Did I enjoy this book: I really did enjoy this book. I read it every free chance I had. Much to my surprise, I couldn’t put this book down. 

I found The Red Tent to be an interesting perspective of a well-known Bible story. I was fascinated by the story of Dinah and her mother/mother-aunts. I felt for the women and I found their history enthralling. Something you may never have imagined or thought of happening. 

Can you imagine your period being a time of rest and celebration? I cannot…but that’s what it was to these women. They found that time to be empowering and a chance to share their histories and traditions with the next generation. 

This book brought a lot of great discussion, laughter, and thoughts at our book group! 

Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book…with one caveat – read it for what it is, FICTION! It may be based on a Bible story and a specific historical time period, but it is fiction…and good fiction at that!

Will I read it again: I doubt it. But I wouldn’t rule it out completely. 

About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: This is a retelling of a well-known Bible story found in Genesis. It is told from the perspective of Dinah. Dinah was the only daughter of Jacob and Leah. Dinah reveals her life in that time and the traditions that the women held on to and passed on to the next generations. 

Dinah begins with her mother, Leah, and her mother-aunts – Rachel, Zilpah, and Bilhah. The story goes through Dinah’s life and what she learned from these different mothers and other women she met along life’s path. 

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!

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