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Review: ec·o·nom·ics: a simple twist on normalcy by Kersten Kelly – with a Guest Post from the author
ec·o·nom·ics: a simple twist on normalcy
written by Kersten Kelly
published by Talisman Book Publishing LLC
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, iBooks, CreateSpace, Smashwords, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book: The author asked that I review her book. I gladly accepted her request. (I received a copy of the book for review purposes.)
Did I enjoy this book: To be honest, I am not an economics buff…in fact, I don’t have much interest in the subject. However, I agreed to read this book because I feel it is always good to try new things and learn about different subjects that affect our daily lives. With that being said, I did enjoy reading ec·o·nom·ics: a simple twist on normalcy. It is not a book that I had to read every free chance I had though.
What I enjoyed most was that it presented the subject of economics in a rather down-to-earth format. The examples provided were real world examples that I could relate to. It wasn’t all theory and abstraction. It was written as if Ms. Kelly and I were having a conversation…as if I were asking questions and she were answering them. I did not feel like I was reading a textbook or other treatise on economics. That is what made this book enjoyable for me to read.
Would I recommend it: If you want in introduction to economics, then I would definitely recommend this book.
Will I read it again: I doubt it. But I may pick it up as a reference if I need some theory better explained.
About the book – from the publisher: Professional football players, corporate tobacco advertisers, volatile gasoline prices, and the Cold War all share an undetected commonality—each is an intrinsic part of economics. Though not obvious to the naked eye, each entity shares a pattern with the others. This book helps to shed light on these mutual characteristics. It is an extensive compilation of theories interpreted using supportive examples.
Economics is an enthralling science that encompasses our actions, thoughts, and emotional rationality every day in the unconscious. This book dissects economic theory into bite-size, entertaining snippets that anyone can understand and apply to their daily routines. It is a compelling depiction of history, business, pop culture, and social movements intertwined with relevant economic trends. Economics is part of daily life, and this book challenges readers to question how and why people make decisions by adding a simple twist on normalcy.
I am pleased to welcome Kersten Kelly to my blog today! She has provided all of you with the following guest post.
Thank you, Ms. Kelly, for this post!
When I first started writing as a kid, I never dreamed that I would be able to compose an entire book and actually publish it. The process seemed overwhelming and a massive undertaking, as it most definitely was. I began the writing process, and I found that I was writing little excerpts about economics that really interested me. Usually, I would encounter something in my life and think how economics played a large role in it. The majority of the time, these things seemed like they were unconnected to the naked eye. In particular, my interest in economics blossomed during my college years when I actually started studying it for my degree.
I love economics, and I majored in it during my undergraduate work at Indiana University. As a student, many of the examples in my textbooks were irrelevant and made the subject one that many students did not enjoy. I wanted to change the negative connotations associated with the topic. I wanted to make it something that people understood and relished learning about. I want to shed light on economics as a topic for the average reader. I want them to realize that economics is not just graphs, charts, and theories. It can be applicable in almost any situation. The theories that I explain in the book are developed with multiple examples that readers can relate to. Purchasing gasoline is one of them, and education is another. It is amazing how economic theory can help to explain both.
I liked the ability to argue my opinions, compile them in a written publication, and have readers be able to communicate with me via my website and through reviews. There has been nothing more rewarding than working for a year to create a publication that people can pick up and read. I like the idea that someone else can read what I wrote and discuss it with others. I wanted people to be able to learn from what I wrote, so I took the chance and created the book.
The book is a unique compilation of examples of pop culture, history, social media, business, sports, and education all explained through an economic lens. It uses current market trends and examples that can be applicable and enjoyable for anyone. It is written in a narrative non-fiction format so it flows easily and does not read similarly to a textbook. Economics is part of daily life, and this book challenges readers to question how and why people make decisions by adding a simple twist on normalcy.
About the author – Kersten Kelly: Kersten L. Kelly is a self-published author of narrative non-fiction and semi-fiction books. She grew up in Munster, Indiana, and currently works in a sales role based out of Chicago, Illinois. She started writing at an early age and graduated from Indiana University with a dual Bachelor’s Degree in Economics and Communication & Culture. She then went on to earn a Master’s in Business Administration from the Kelley School of Business at Indiana University. She has a passion for learning, teaching, and writing as well as international travel in her spare time. This book is her first piece of published work.
Where to find Kersten Kelly: Twitter, Facebook, Goodreads, web
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