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Girl Unmoored by Jennifer Gooch Hummer
Girl Unmoored
written by Jennifer Gooch Hummer
published by Fiction Std
Why did I pick this book: The author emailed me and asked that I review her book. I happily accepted her request! And boy am I glad I did. (The author provided me a copy of her book for review purposes.)
Did I enjoy this book: I really did. In fact, the first thing I said to my husband when I finished this book was “that was a really good book.” Plain and simply put. I read this book every free chance I had…I put off household chores in order to read this book. I could not put it down. When I had to put it down, all I wanted to do was pick it back up again.
Girl Unmoored is told from the perspective of 13 year old Apron Bramhall. To have gone through everything that Apron has gone through in her 13 years and yet still have an innocence to her narrative was remarkable. That innocence should not have been there…but it was and it was great. There were moments in this book where I laughed out loud, moments where I just shook my head, and moments where I wanted to cry. So many emotions, so well written by Ms. Hummer.
The story moved and kept me interested. Most of the characters were likeable and loveable. The trio – Apron, Mike, and Chad – were my favorites. They worked so well together. Their friendship was unlikely and should have been strained…but it wasn’t and they were meant to be friends, you could tell. Grandma Bramhall was a trip. I just laughed when I read the parts with her. Some characters were really unlikeable. M was one of the unlikeable characters. I couldn’t believe her and the things that she said and did…to herself and to Apron.
This book left me with a smile and a happy sigh at the end. Much like middle school drama, all eventually works out in some way in the end.
Would I recommend it: I would, absolutely. Girl Unmoored was a great read, well worth it.
Will I read it again: I’m not sure. I really enjoyed it but I don’t know that it is a re-readable book for me. Only time will tell if I will reread this wonderfully written book. I know that I will definitely read any other book that Ms. Hummer writes in the future.
About the book – MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS: Apron Bramhall is having a rough time…her mother has passed away, her father has a new girlfriend, she’s going to have a new sibling, and her best friend has left her for a new one. But she has found a new friend in Jesus…well, a look-alike Jesus…Mike, and actor who plays Jesus in Jesus Christ, Superstar.
In an unexpected turn of events, Apron finds herself helping Mike and his boyfriend, Chad, set up flowers for a wedding. This leads to a friendship, a job, and more heartbreak down the road. Apron spends a summer finding out what love is, what love isn’t, and what it means to her.
Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!