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Chrissy’s Review: Twilight by Stephenie Meyer
Twilight (Twilight Saga Series #1)
written by Stephenie Meyer
published by Little, Brown Books for Young Readers
find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Apple Books, Target, Walmart, Kobo, Book Depository, Goodreads
Why did I pick this book? This a series that I read at least once a year. I am reading it now because of the new movie, Breaking Dawn Part 1, that is being released in a few short weeks.
Did I enjoy this book? Yes. This is a book that I read every free chance I get. This reading, which was my fourth or fifth, occurred while I was unpacking after a move, at the grocery store, in my car in the drive-thru, just about everywhere. When I read this series, I can’t put it down until it is finished.
One of the reasons I like this book, and series for that matter, is because it is an easy read that lets me enter into a fantasy world that doesn’t read as a fantasy. It reads as if it were the “real” world and we just don’t know what all the aspects of our “real” world there are out there.
Some people do not enjoy this book because of the crazy teenage angst and obsessive vampire love, but come on, who can’t enjoy that? A lot of girls want a boyfriend who is absolutely unconditionally in love with her and would do anything to protect her. He is old-fashioned in his manners and respect for her. Also, there is no sex in this book, which is kind of nice for a change . . . and no, I’m not a prude. I just think that not every book, especially books that are geared toward teens and young adults, needs raunchy sex scenes.
Would I recommend it? Absolutely. I would recommend it to anyone who wants to let go and read a good story that pulls you in and allows you to live in that world of “what if it were true.” While it is by no means the next great literary piece of art, I find it entertaining and fun to read.
Will I read it again? Yes, I will. Definitely before Breaking Dawn Part 2 is released in the theaters.
About the book – from Goodreads: About three things I was absolutely positive.
First, Edward was a vampire.
Second, there was a part of him—and I didn’t know how dominant that part might be—that thirsted for my blood.
And third, I was unconditionally and irrevocably in love with him.
In the first book of the Twilight Saga, internationally bestselling author Stephenie Meyer introduces Bella Swan and Edward Cullen, a pair of star-crossed lovers whose forbidden relationship ripens against the backdrop of small-town suspicion and a mysterious coven of vampires. This is a love story with bite.
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** This post first appeared on Every Free Chance Books (everyfreechance.com) on November 6, 2011. Book cover, graphics, and links updated on March 26, 2019.