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Review: Kingdom of the Snark: A Tale of Randall the Rambunctious by Melanie Hatfield

Randall the Rambunctious cover 01Kingdom of the Snark: A Tale of Randall the Rambunctious
written by Melanie Hatfield
published by Melanie Hatfield

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Smashwords, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I did some proofreading work on this title. After that work was completed, I was asked by the author to review the book. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes. Although I was compensated for the proofreading work, it in no way affected the outcome of my review. My review is my honest opinion of the book.)

Did I enjoy this book: I did enjoy this book. It kept me interested until the very end. 

A Tale of Randall the Rambunctious has it all — action, romance, loyalty, family drama, excitement, cuteness. It has a period feel with its kingdoms, questers, and language. It is creative. I mean, who has ever heard of mutant dandelions traveling through the ground, popping up wherever they need to be. I could see these dandelions. I could see the battles.

I liked Randall and Gerald’s friendship. It was easy. They got each other and they were there for each other. Randall was a trip. The opening scene had me laughing. I absolutely loved Earnestine. He just wanted to be left alone. He wasn’t happy with his current leader and he wanted to help the humans. He seemed to genuinely care.

The ending was great. I had a huge smile on my face and I was giddy. A Tale of Randall the Rambunctious was a fun book to read.


Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book if you like quick, quirky reads.

Will I read it again: I will not. But I will probably read more stories from the Kingdom of the Snark.


About the book – from Goodreads:
Randall the Rambunctious is a mighty (but aging) Quester known by the maidens of Quaal for his moniker—and that is the way Randall likes it. His fun loving lifestyle comes to a sudden halt when his brother forces him back to his home kingdom of Turrack under the command of the king and queen. The royal couple orders Randall to rescue their stuck-up daughter from mutant dandelions bent on taking the kingdom for their own. Can Randall save a princess he does not actually care about and return to his care-free loving ways, or shall everyone perish at the petals of man-sized dandelions?

“A Tale of Randall the Rambunctious” is a stand-alone novella in the “Kingdom of the Snark” series. Other tales (thus far) of this adult oriented fantasy/comedy series include:

“The Quest for the Sword (Being the First Part of the Righteous Trilogy)”
“An Affair with Wizards (Being the Second Part of the Righteous Trilogy)”
“Three Snarky Tales (A Short Story Collection)”
“Tragedy in the Wine Cellar”




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