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Bookshelves and Giveaways – July 7, 2016
Hi, Everyone!!
We hope you are enjoying the looks at our bookshelves as well as these giveaways! Today, I have a look at a few of my kids’ bookshelves. I’ll spare you the look at the book drawers, bins, stashes, etc. These shelves at least look somewhat organized. LOL

Here’s a proud bookish mom moment.

And now for the giveaway! We have some duplicate kids’ books here. Those Scholastic Book Fair flyers get me even now. I loved them when I was in school, and I love them now while my kids are in school!! Anyway, I have paperback copies of: Fancy Nancy by Jane O’Connor, 4 books from the Black Lagoon Adventures series by Mike Thaler, and 3 books from the I Survived series by Lauren Tarshis. My son loves these two series and my daughter loves Fancy Nancy.