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Bookshelves and Giveaways – July 7, 2016

Hi, Everyone!!

We hope you are enjoying the looks at our bookshelves as well as these giveaways! Today, I have a look at a few of my kids’ bookshelves. I’ll spare you the look at the book drawers, bins, stashes, etc. These shelves at least look somewhat organized. LOL

Notice that the books are stacked two deep and encroaching on my shelves!! (I don't mind. Really. I LOVE that they love to read.)
Notice that the books are stacked two deep and encroaching on my shelves!! (I don’t mind. Really. I LOVE that they love to read.)

Here’s a proud bookish mom moment.

bookmark (1)
A few months ago, I found my son’s book and noticed an odd bookmark.


bookmark (2)
That’s right . . . my son used a smaller book as a bookmark. I am one proud bookish mom!


And now for the giveaway! We have some duplicate kids’ books here. Those Scholastic Book Fair flyers get me even now. I loved them when I was in school, and I love them now while my kids are in school!! Anyway, I have paperback copies of: Fancy Nancy by Jane O’Connor, 4 books from the Black Lagoon Adventures series by Mike Thaler, and 3 books from the I Survived series by Lauren Tarshis. My son loves these two series and my daughter loves Fancy Nancy. 




Happy 2

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