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Review: Lying to Meet You by Anna Garner

Lying to meet youLying to Meet You
written by Anna Garner
published by Anna Garner

find it here: Barnes & Noble, Amazon, Goodreads

Why did I pick this book: I have read three of Ms. Garner’s books written under her pen name, Libby Mercer, and I have loved all of them. So, when Ms. Garner asked me to review her newest book, I jumped at the chance. (I received a copy of this book for review purposes.)

Did I enjoy this book:
I really did enjoy this book. I read it every free chance I had. Lying to Meet You was a great read. It had everything that I love in chick lit — love, friendships, relationships, awkward moments, funny moments, giddy moments, laugh-out-loud  moments — everything. 

The plot was familiar yet different. I loved all of the characters and how they related to each other. Sometimes you have preconceived notions about how certain people are  — like the camera guys from the reality show — but you just never know who you are dealing with. The different scenes with the different friends and co-workers were diverse but fantastic. Karaoke! Dinner party! Cooking class! All were great fun to read and showed everyone in different lights.

The leading lady, Chloe, is an intelligent fashion designer/boutique owner who gets the chance of a lifetime. She is going to judge a reality show with a few of the country’s top entrepreneurs. While her business gets more action, Chloe may as well. She has a great group of friends, especially her childhood friend, Ethan. The plan Ethan comes up with is ingenious. And he is right, you do seem to become more attractive to others when you are unavailable. They have an easy, relaxed relationship. So, to fake a romantic relationship is a rather simple endeavor for Chloe and Ethan. I loved how they went out to dinner to set the parameters of their goal. I loved how easy their “relationship” was. I loved their movie days and the dinners where they discussed their other relationship potentials. I really loved the trips to see the family at the holidays. Anyone could see how perfect they were together. And I loved both of them individually, not just when they were together. Both characters were wonderfully written. I cared about each of them. I wanted them to find their happiness.

I did not like William Shannon, Chloe’s other love interest. I think I agree with her friends regarding him. Mathieu was wonderful. I jumped to the same conclusion but I was glad it turned out the way it did. However, I was surprised by that little twist! Ouch! I want to know how everything worked out for Chloe in the end. Speaking of which, I LOVED LOVED LOVED the ending. I was giggling and smiling as if it were happening to me. Well done, Ms. Garner, well done. (And yes, this bit was cryptic but I am not going to give anything away. Nope, not going to do it.)


Would I recommend it: I would recommend this book. It is a great chick lit book that will leave you with a squeal at the end — at least it did for me.

Will I read it again: I just may. I do know this, Ms. Garner (a.k.a. Ms. Mercer) is now on my “must read everything by this author” list, that is for sure. Thank you for writing such wonderful books, Ms. Garner. 🙂


About the book: 
Does being in a relationship make you a hot commodity in the eyes of would-be suitors?

Chloe Lane is about to find out. When her childhood pal, Ethan Webster, asks her to play the part of his girlfriend in order to test this theory, she reluctantly agrees. As a work-crazed fashion designer, boutique owner and soon-to-be reality show judge, Chloe has no time for a real boyfriend, but being part of a faux pair will do just fine. Not that she has any intention of trying to attract someone else.


Opportunity unexpectedly knocks when Chloe meets fellow reality judge, William Shannon. Super successful and super sexy, this high-powered entrepreneur inspires Chloe to test Ethan’s theory herself. Now, on top of keeping her fashion business productive, carving out a new role as a television personality, maintaining a fake relationship and attempting to lay the groundwork for a future relationship, she’s lying to William, lying to her friends, lying to her family and quite possibly lying to herself. Will Chloe be able to keep it all together, or are things about to explode?

Happy reading wherever you are and whenever you get a free chance!!!


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