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Melissa’s Review: UNITY by Laura Maisano

UNITYUNITY (Illirin book 2)
written by Laura Maisano
published by

find it here: (affiliate links) Barnes & Noble (Nook) (print), Amazon, Goodreads

Disclosure: I received a complimentary copy of this book in exchange  for an honest review.

Did I enjoy this book: 
One of our other reviewers read the first book in the series, SCHISM (you can read Sara’s review HERE), but her TBR list was a little out of control when we received this request, so it fell to Yours Truly. I actually enjoy skipping the first book in a series–it’s a fun way to explore just how much of a first book needs to reappear in the second. I’m not sure if I was reading an ARC (my copy didn’t specifically say it was an ARC, but I DID receive it before official publication), so I’ll not comment on the editing. I’m sure I missed a few important things in the first book, but Maisano replays enough of the first story to counteract any book-skipping confusion.

UNITY is, well, decent. There are a few things I found a bit hokey, namely the whole “trace everything back to Merlin and Avalon” bit, but it was an enjoyable read. I wasn’t really a fan of characters changing colors as they popped about from world to world, but I understand what Maisano was hoping to accomplish: a clear distinction between Earth and Illirin. I think this book would have been just as good if Merlin’s prophecy had been, you know, any random wizard’s ancient prophecy. Perhaps the Arthurian link is more impressive in SCHISM, but I found it unnecessary.

The conclusion surprised me; I thought I could predict who would live and who would die, and I was wrong on quite a few counts. I LOVE it when that happens! I even upgraded UNITY‘s star rating by one because of it. Well done, Ms. Maisano.


Would I recommend it: Sure! But be sure to read the first book, SCHISM, first.


About the book – from the author: 
The fires in Illirin have died down, and the survivors are suffering under Emperor Nor’s tyranny. Unfortunately, Illirin isn’t the only world in danger of oppression. Nor’s pet wizard, Matt, has issued an insane ultimatum to Earth’s world leaders. Now Gabe and Lea are running out of time. Again.

For the past three months, Gabe has taken refuge on Earth with Lea. He’s broken and grieving, but he’s got to pull himself together to save those he left behind. Meanwhile, Lea prays Merlin’s prophecy of becoming powerful will come true. She’s busted her butt practicing her newfound magic. Too bad for her, she still sucks at it. Matt has had a lifetime to master his gift, and she’s fated to face him? Merlin must’ve made a mistake.

Together, Gabe and Lea go to Illirin hoping to locate help, but the Winged survivors won’t aid Gabe, who they hold responsible for their losses. While short on friends and adding new enemies, Gabe and Lea must find a way to defeat Nor and stop Matt’s plan. Failure could mean being torn apart, the Winged hunted to extinction, and Earth at the mercy of a wizard bent on domination.



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